Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Organization Development within the Firm: A Survey of the 500 Largest Industrials

Gary C. McMahan and Richard W. Woodman conducted a study in which the 500 largest industrial firms in the United States were surveyed with regard to their internal Organization Development (OD) practice.

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Strategic Human Resource Management: Alternative Theoretical Frameworks

This article by Patrick M. Wright and Gary C. McMahan attempts to further the theoretical development of SHRM through discussing six theoretical models (behavioral perspective, cybernetic models, agency/transaction cost theory, resource-based view of the firm, power/resource dependence models, and institutional theory) that are useful for understanding both strategic and non-strategic determinants of HR practices.

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Human Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based Perspective

This paper by Patrick M. Wright, Gary C. McMahan, and Abagail McWilliams integrates the theories and findings of micro-level organizational behavior/human resource management research with the macro-level resource-based view of the firm, specifically presenting a firm’s human resources as an important potential source of sustained competitive advantage.

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The Practice of Organization Development: A Survey of the 500 Largest Service Firms

In this study by Gary C. McMahan, Richard W. Woodman, and Ana Moreno, the 500 largest service firms in the United States were surveyed with regard to their internal Organization Development (OD) practice.

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P=F(MxA): Cognitive Ability as a Moderator of the Relationship between Personality and Job Preference

This study by Patrick M. Wright, K. Michele Kacmar, Gary C. McMahan, and Kevin Deleeuw tested the validity of the use of personality tests with aptitude tests as predictors of performance for 203 warehousers using the Hollenbeck and Whitener (1988) interactive model.

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Job Design: A Contemporary Review and Future Prospects

The purpose of this chapter by Ricky W. Griffin and Gary C. McMahan is to summarize the historical development of job design theory and research, describe current theory and research regarding job design, and suggest new directions that job design theory and research might more fruitfully pursue in the future.

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Groups as Self-Regulating Systems: A Control Theory Perspective of Norm Formation and Enforcement

This paper by Gary C. McMahan and Patrick Wright attempts to describe the integrated nature of norm formation and norm enforcement.

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