Christopher G. Worley

Affiliated Senior Research Scientist, Center for Effective Organizations
Research Professor of Management, Pepperdine University


Dr. Chris Worley’s applied research and consulting practice is complemented by more than fifteen years of management experience in academic, for-profit, and government organizations. His consulting clients include organizations in high technology, health care, financial services, energy, the public sector, and natural resources. The primary focus of his efforts in these organizations has been on organization design, the building of agile capabilities, and organization development.

Research Partners & Clients

Dr. Worley’s research partners include organizations in technology and financial services (Microsoft, Intel, Nokia, Capital One, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman); health care and insurance (Cambia Health Solutions, Healthways, St. Joseph Health Care System, Hartford Financial Services); the public sector and energy (State of California, Canadian Broadcasting Company, Southern California Edison, Enedis (France), City of Los Angeles, City of Carlsbad, BP, Shell, Dow Chemical), and consumer goods (Philips, Gap, Inc., GFK (France), PayPal, Unilever (UK), Adidas (Germany) as well as several other non-profit and government organizations.

Professional Work

Dr. Worley is a member of the Academy of Management, NTL, and the OD Network. He is on the editorial board for the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. He is past Chair of the Academy of Management’s Organization Development and Change Division.

In addition to his articles, chapters, and presentations on strategic change and organization design, he is author of five books, including The Agility Factor, Becoming Agile, Management Reset, best-seller Built to Change, Integrated Strategic Change, and ten editions of Organization Development and Change, the leading textbook in the field.

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BS – Westminster College

MS – Colorado State University

MS – Pepperdine University

PhD – University of Southern California

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