Working Papers

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Dynamics of Employee Resource Groups: Leader Experiences Driving Mutual Benefits for Employees and Employers

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), which bring together employees with shared identity or purpose, have been expanding around the globe. ERGs can be a recruiting and retention tool, providing member benefits of career growth, developing friends and providing expanded purpose at work. Given their popularity, they are of interest for researchers. Thus, we conducted a study […]

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Person-Organization Fit Theory and Research: Conundrums, Conclusions, and Calls to Action

The article presents a personal historical review of the person-organization fit (PO) literature by Amy Kristof-Brown, Benjamin Schneider and Rong Su. We present six conundrums and research evidence about each that we’ve encountered while studying fit during our careers: (1) What exactly is PO fit?—the term can be narrowly or broadly defined, but must be […]

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The Job as Work Role and Profession: It’s More Than Skills

This paper argues that strategic workforce planning (SWP) tailored to the demands of the modern workplace fosters a culture of professionalism essential for evolving work roles. As the contemporary work environment becomes more dynamic, interdependent, and complex, the nature of worker roles shifts from narrowly defined jobs to broader responsibilities requiring adaptability, discretion, and ethical […]

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How Organization Agility Produces Sustained Performance: Bringing Coherence to Diverse Conceptual Perspectives (Download)

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Why and how organizations change – especially in competitive and dynamic environments – are central questions in organization theory and strategic management. Organization agility (OA) has emerged as a construct to describe the way organizations adapt quickly to continuous disruption and change, and theories explaining how OA works and produces performance outcomes have proliferated.

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A Strategically Aligned HR Operating Model

Proposal of a pivot in how HR is structured and works to focus more directly on the capabilities required for successful strategy execution.

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Organization capability: The missing piece connecting organization design and the operating model

Dr. Alec Levenson and Dr. Johanna Anzengruber lay a foundation in this working paper for drawing boundaries between the operating model, organization design and organization capability.

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Dynamics of Employee Resource Groups: Leader Experiences Driving Mutual Benefits for Employees and Employers

Dynamics of Employee Resource Groups: Leader Experiences Driving Mutual Benefits for Employees and Employers

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), which bring together employees with shared identity or purpose, have been expanding around the globe. ERGs can be a recruiting and retention tool, providing member benefits of career growth, developing friends and providing expanded purpose at work. Given their popularity, they are of interest for researchers.

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People Management in Work Organizations: Fifty Years of Learnings

Ben Schneider shares fifty years of lessons learned in people management.

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HR Leaders Must Accelerate Preparations for the Future Digital Organizations

New evidence from the Center for Effective Organizations’ Global HR Excellence survey suggests HR leaders must move faster to prepare for the fast-emerging digital organization.

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The Practitioner-Academic Gap: A View from the Middle

The practitioner-academic gap has been widely discussed for decades along with recommendations for increasing the practical application of management research. We review some of the reasons for this disconnect and argue this has been the norm going back to the beginnings of the field. At the same time contemporary management practice has obviously been greatly […]

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