Dr. Edward E. Hubbard, Ph.D.

President and CEO
Hubbard & Hubbard, Inc.

Dr. Edward E. Hubbard, President and CEO of Hubbard & Hubbard, Inc., an International Business Performance Consulting Corp. specializing in Business Improvement, Diversity Return on Investment (DROI®) Measurement/Analytics, and organizational development. Author of more than 59 DEI ROI and Business-related books, Dr. Hubbard is an expert in Organizational Analysis, ROI Measurement, Strategic Planning, and more. Dr. Hubbard was an honoree at the Inaugural International Society of Diversity and Inclusion Professionals Living Legends of Diversity Award Ceremony in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico where he received the “Living Legends of Diversity Award” for creating the “Diversity ROI Analytics” and “Diversity Measurement Fields and their associated Disciplines” and is recognized globally as the creator of these unique sciences and fields of study.

Dr. Hubbard was an honoree at the Inaugural International Society of Diversity and Inclusion Professionals Living Legends of Diversity Award Ceremony in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico where he received the “Living Legends of Diversity Award” for creating the “Diversity ROI Analytics” and “Diversity Measurement Fields and their associated Disciplines”.  He is one of only 18 people in the world who have received this Award. Dr. Hubbard received the “Sentry Award” for his Diversity Metrics and Analytics work with Military Leaders at the United States Pentagon. He also worked with Military Leaders as part of President Obama’s Military Diversity Leadership Commission (MDLC) at West Point.

Dr. Hubbard received the “Excellence in Global Leadership Award” from the World HRD Congress (the highest individual professional award given), the 2017 Distinguished Alumni Award from The Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences, the Sentry Award from the U.S. Pentagon, and many others.

See Dr. Hubbard and his Diversity and Inclusion Return on Investment (DROI®) Measurement Work, “Legend in the Diversity and Inclusion Fields” via this link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoVqbM9wty8

Dr. Hubbard serves on the Harvard Business Review, Diversity Executive Magazine and Strategic Diversity & Inclusion Management (SDIM) magazine Editorial Advisory Boards, and serves on the Board of Directors for The Ohio State University African American Black Alumni Society.

Dr. Hubbard served as Director, Developmental Education at The Ohio State University Newark campus, and Black Studies Instructor at The Ohio State University Main Campus. Part of Dr. Hubbard’s career was spent as a Lecturer at Dennison University. He also taught and worked with other Colleges and Universities here in the U.S. such as Missouri State University, Kent State University where he served as the Diversity Leadership and ROI Metrics Instructor for Kent’s Institute for Leadership Excellence, in Canada at the University of Calgary, the U.K. at the University of Bradford in Leeds, England, as well as universities in the Pacific Rim, and elsewhere.

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