Dr. Gerald Ledford is a nationally recognized authority on aligning human capital practices to business strategy. His areas of focus include compensation and total rewards, employee engagement and involvement, talent management, the design of work, and large-scale organizational change. He recently has focused on the implications of new HR information technology for organizational effectiveness and the HR role. Dr. Ledford returned to CEO in September 2012 after working as a human capital consultant from 1998-2012; he previously was a key contributor at the Center from 1982-1998.
Research Partners & Clients
Gerry has conducted research and consulted with scores of Fortune 1000 companies. He has extensive experience in many industries, including manufacturing, aerospace and defense, high technology, insurance, health care, telecommunications, paper and forest products, and consumer products.
Professional Work
Gerry is active in the Academy of Management, HRPS, WorldatWork, and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. He is past chair of the Organizational Development and Change Division of the Academy of Management. His awards include the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM’s) Yoder-Heneman Personnel Research Award. He is a frequent speaker at professional groups. From 1998-2003, Gerry was a Sibson Consulting leader. He was Senior Vice President and National Practice Leader for Employee Effectiveness, the largest Sibson practice. Since 2004, he has been President of Ledford Consulting Network. His research and opinions have been cited in many print and broadcast media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Fortune, the Washington Post, and PBS. He is the author of over 100 articles and ten books.
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