Jessica Darke

Global Pride ERG Co-Chair and Senior Product Manager

Jessica Darke (she/her/hers) is a one of the Global Pride ERG Leaders for Intuit, a member of the Intuit Transgender Advisory Board, and a product manager within the Cybercraft organization. She has been with Intuit for 17 years and recently moved from the Tucson office to the New York one. During her time at Intuit she was a local Pride leader for the Tucson site for four years, she was the first person to “come out” as Transgender at Intuit and her experiences laid the foundation for the many who followed. She, with the other original out Transfolx, helped form the Intuit Transgender Advisory Board, which helps report to the larger DEI team any experiences or needs for the Trans+ community at Intuit – which includes parents or supporting family members.

She currently lives in eastern Connecticut and enjoys movies, anything with vampires, and the goth lifestyle.

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