Jim has 30 years of experience working and leading in purpose-driven consulting organizations. Jim now works with leaders to develop and hone their inclusion skills, while helping their organizations make sure their work sticks at a systemic level. He facilitates, speaks, and writes extensively on the topic, and delivers workshops and keynotes to corporate audiences, globally.
Jim began his career as an educator – as much to learn as to teach – and earned his stripes working in experiential and adventure-based learning programs first for school-aged students and eventually for corporate leaders and teams. His perspective on leadership is grounded in firsthand experience, having held leadership roles at the Santa Fe Mountain Center, Outward Bound, Pecos River/Aon Consulting, one world learning, WMFDP |FDP Global, and Unstoppable Performance Leaders. He has been an adjunct faculty at Duke Leadership and Training Associates, Virginia Tech, The Executive Forum, and The American Leadership Forum.
In addition to an extensive library of blogs, keynotes on leadership and diversity, Jim has thus far authored 2 books; a book on leadership titled The Five Insights of Enduring Leaders in 2007 and Gaslights and Dog Whistles – Standing Up for Facts Over Fiction in a Fearful and Divided World, release in August of 2022.
Jim loves travel and adventure and has paddled, hiked, climbed, cycled, skied and stumbled around the world with more adventures yet to come.