WillBe: 13 Reasons WillBe’s are Luckier than WannaBe’s

March 17, 2011

book coverIan Ziskin (2011)

WillBe is a book for high potentials who have what it takes. Everyone has talent and potential, but not everyone will be equally successful at realizing his or her full potential. Not everyone is a “WillBe.” But you could be.

Are you getting ready to complete college or graduate school? Are you in the first 10-15 years of your career? Do you aspire to realize your full potential? Are you a senior leader who wants to invest in the development of high potential up-and-comers?

In WillBe: 13 Reasons WillBe’s are Luckier than WannaBe’s, author Ian Ziskin draws on his nearly 30 years of experience working with and developing thousands of aspiring leaders to offer a fast-paced and often amusing perspective on leadership behaviors that lead to success.

Ziskin has filled WillBe with insight, lessons learned, and anecdotes covering everyday organizational life and situations readers are sure to recognize. He guides readers through a self-diagnostic tour and assessment of certain “what would you do” situations, each aimed at highlighting what works and what does not work in the workplace. Readers can’t help but feel energized to turn what they learn into action.

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