Management Reset: Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness

March 29, 2011

book coverEdward E. Lawler III and Christopher G. Worley, with David Creelman (Jossey-Bass, 2011)

More information about the book is available at, including a free download of Chapter 1.

In Management Reset, Ed Lawler and Chris Worley, the authors of the best-selling book Built to Change offer a next-step resource for any organization that wants to thrive in our difficult economic environment. While organizations must perform well financially, Lawler and Worley contend that companies also need to address their social and environmental impact to be viable in the long term.

Management Reset shows how organizations can be sustainably effective by becoming agile and developing the ability to adjust their strategy, organization design, and leadership practices to support profitability, social justice, and environmental health. The book is filled with illustrative lessons from such leading organizations as Microsoft, Cisco, Netflix, DaVita, Starbucks, Nokia, and the United States Secret Service. The authors offer clear, easy to implement principles and practices for managers, leaders, and consultants who want to organize for sustainable performance effectiveness.

By putting in place Lawler and Worley’s innovative organization designs and management practices, forward-thinking organizations can remake themselves to better serve both their shareholders and society.

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