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List of Papers and Articles
Listed in alphabetical order by title.
The Agility Factor
(Williams, Worley, and Lawler, 2013)
Building a Change Capability at Capital One Financial
(Worley and Lawler, 2009)
Building a Collaboration Capability for Sustainability: How Gap, Inc. is Creating and Leveraging a Strategic Asset
(Worley, Feyerherm, Knudsen, 2010)
Designing Organizations that are Built to Change
(Worley and Lawler, 2006)
Huron Hospital: Leading with Sustainability to Create a High-Performing System
(McCracken and Mohrman, 2010)
Is Change Management Obsolete?
(Mohrman & Worley, 2014)
Large Group Interventions: An Empirical Field Study of Their Composition, Process and Outcomes
(Worley, Mohrman, and Nevitt, 2011)
Leading Change Do It with Conversation
(Mohrman, 2007)
A New View of Organization Development and Change Competencies: The Engage and Learn Model
(Mohrman & Worley, 2015)
The Organizational Sustainability Journey: Introduction to the Special Issue
(Mohrman and Worley, 2010)
A Physician First
(Mohrman and McCracken, 2010)
Reflections on the Future of Organization Development
(Worley and Feyerherm, 2003)
The Role of Networks in Fundamental Organizational Change
(Mohrman, Tenkasi, and Mohrman, 2003)
Sustainability at the Cleveland Clinic: A Network-Based Capability Development Approach (Vol. 3)
Mohrman, Vernon, and McCracken, 2013