Leading Transformation: The Role of HR Professionals in Power, Politics and Control Webinar

November 23, 2020

Click here for the PowerPoint slides (in PDF format).

by Paul Taffinder, Alec R. Levenson & Max Blumberg

We know that leadership is critical to transformation. However, the underlying psychology of corporate upheaval during large-scale organizational change is very frequently dependent on the effective tackling of power, anxiety and control — particularly with CEOs and leadership teams.

While much focus from change agents or the large consulting firms aims at wholesale adjustments or replacements to the processes of organizational functioning or new structures or technology, less is paid to the challenges of leadership (whether top-down or bottom-up) and, of that, a diminishingly small proportion to substantive efforts to transform the psychology of top team behavior, decision-making and conflict. Genuine corporate change is messy, tough and very personal for senior leaders who are more risk averse than popularly thought.

HR professionals are very well positioned to support the CEO and top team. But what insights and approaches can HR leaders deploy to help senior executives deal personally with profound and far-reaching change?

In this webinar, Dr Paul Taffinder, who has worked closely as a 1-1 change advisor to CEOs across the globe, shares his experience and research from his books in the context of a number of all-encompassing transformation programs from different industry sectors where business and personal reputations were at stake — examining the power, anxiety and very thorny issues of individual control. Max Blumberg and Alec Levenson will join Paul to discuss how HR leaders can use the approaches to intervene successfully with leadership ‘undiscussables,’ including specific case examples of surprising errors and triumphs.

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