Tuesday, July 14, 2020
8-9am PT / 11am-12pm ET / 3-4pm GMT / 4-5pm BST
Featuring: Sven Thiele, Co-hosted by Max Blumberg and Alec Levenson
We all know that corporate communities are the Holy Grail for employee engagement and productivity. The advent of coronavirus means that strong, productive, engaged internal communities are no longer just a “nice-to-have”, but can be a competitive differentiator.
HotChillee provides a fascinating case study of how online communities can be used for both member engagement and organizational transformation, building on tools such as Slack and Google G Suite. In this session, Sven Thiele, founder of HotChillee, will share insights from one of the world’s largest and most exclusive cycling communities.
In the first stage, HotChillee transformed strategic decision-making by leveraging online platforms and tools to increase transparency, trust and engagement among a broad community of stakeholders beyond the leadership team. In the process, they accelerated the time to decision from months to days.
In the second stage, in response to COVID-19, they leveraged those same online resources and community-building expertise to create a blended offline/online experience. The rest is history, and HotChillee is now a key part of every members’ life – offline and online.