Thursday, July 16, 2020
8-9am PT / 11am-12pm ET / 3-4pm GMT / 4-5pm BST
Featuring: Edie Goldberg, Co-hosted by Alan Colquitt and Alec Levenson
In an era of rapid change and disruption, companies need to apply the concept of the gig economy inside of their organization to share talent across boundaries by dynamically matching and deploying skills to the work. This creates competitive advantage around an employee experience that both democratizes work and unleashes internal capacity.
In this session you will learn about a new, and quite disruptive, talent operating model that helps organizations to operate in a more agile manner. It allows your employees to bring their best selves to work while offering a platform that encourage continuous reskilling to prepare them for the changing skills required by your organization.
By attending this session participants will learn:
• The business case to change the way we work
• A new Talent Operating Model that changes our approach to work
• The six core principles that support the Inside Gig
• A Case study to demonstrate the ROI of this new approach to work