Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Jennifer J. Deal

Jennifer J. Deal

Jennifer J. Deal is a senior research scientist at the Center for Effective Organizations and a contributor to The Wall Street Journal’s “Experts” panel on leadership. Her work focuses on global leadership and generational differences, and has been featured in such...

Christopher G. Worley

Christopher G. Worley

Dr. Chris Worley’s applied research and consulting practice is complemented by more than fifteen years of management experience in academic, for-profit, and government organizations. The primary focus of his efforts in these organizations has been on organization design, the building of agile capabilities, and organization development.

Edward E. Lawler III

Edward E. Lawler III

Dr. Edward Lawler is Distinguished Professor of Business at the University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business. He has been honored as a major contributor to theory, research, and practice in the fields of human resources management, compensation, organizational development, and organizational effectiveness.

John W. Boudreau

John W. Boudreau

Dr. John Boudreau is recognized worldwide as one of the leading evidence-based visionaries on the future of work and organization, through breakthrough research on the bridge between work, superior human capital, leadership and sustainable competitive advantage.

Theresa M. Welbourne

Theresa M. Welbourne

Dr. Theresa Welbourne’s work focuses on human capital and leadership strategies that drive growth, innovation and high performance. She is known for her work on employee energy and how energy, direction and confidence come together to stimulate and sustain high sense of urgency cultures and organizational growth.

Alec R. Levenson

Alec R. Levenson

Dr. Alec Levenson’s action research and consulting work with companies optimize job and organization performance and HR systems through the application of organization design, job design, human capital analytics and strategic talent management.

Susan A. Mohrman

Susan A. Mohrman

Dr. Susan Mohrman is widely known for her research in the area of organization design and effectiveness and on large-scale change. She has focused on the design of knowledge-based firms, knowledge creating systems, complex laterally linked organizations, the design of complex eco-system collaborations to foster sustainability, and on organization design of the digitally enabled work systems.