The Strategic ERG Project

A focused initiative including leadership development, research and community

The Strategic ERG Project empowers organizations through a comprehensive suite of initiatives that foster inclusive workplaces by equipping leaders with the tools and insights needed to drive impactful Employee Resource Group (ERG) initiatives.

CEO and lead Senior Affiliate Research Scientist, Dr. Theresa Welbourne, have brought together leadership development opportunities and the next wave of research to help navigate the future of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).

ERG Project Founding Sponsors

To learn more about the Strategic ERG Project, please contact:

Vivian Jimenez 
or call CEO at (213) 740-9814

The Strategic ERG Project

Leadership Development & Advancement

1. The Strategic ERG Leadership Certificate Program program provides numerous learning experiences for individuals who lead ERGs overall and for individual ERG leaders looking to expand their responsibilities and move into new leadership positions.

2. The Strategic ERG Leadership Summit, now in its 12th year, the brings together ERG leaders, executive sponsors, and DEI leaders to meet and learn from leadership peers. Live case studies, executive learning experiences, peer-based engagement, competition, celebration, and more.

In-Person: July 16-17, 2024 | Minneapolis-Saint Paul

Virtual: September 18-19, 2024

Data-Driven Decision Making & Accountability

3. The Annual ERG Impact Study is designed based on the ERG Impact Model developed by Dr. Theresa Welbourne. The survey is designed for each company to complete with ERG leaders and members to calibrate key performance indicators of ERGs. Receive reports on your organizations ERG impact when your team completes over 25 surveys per ERG group.

4. The State of ERGs Research and Benchmarking Report is focused on ERG data at the company level. We are benchmarking things like types of ERGs, numbers of people in ERGs, budget, structure, best practices and key performance indicators used by companies.

Community Building & Collaboration

5. The 8-Week ERG Challenge Clinics (to be announced) are designed to address key issues for an industry. Up to six companies collaborate with CEO facilitators to tackle these challenges and participants develop strategies and innovation skills to address the common issue. At the end, the CEO team produces a white paper summarizing the learnings. To participate in a clinic or propose a problem to solve, contact us.

6. The ERG Community Platform an innovative community platform for you to connect with peers, other ERGs, executive sponsors, and organizations who are focused on advancing ERGs. The platform is the home to the annual virtual ERG Leadership Summit, the Learn & Connect Series, prior ERG Summit content, and the extensive research data offered by CEO.

ERG Project

Top Articles on ERGs

How Employee Resource Groups Can Help Manage COVID-19 or Coronavirus Fears

Theresa M. Welbourne

Employee resource groups (ERGs) have a history of helping bring calm during rough times. Consider their inception point. During the United States’ first race riot in Rochester, N.Y., the CEO of Xerox started the precursor to today’s ERGs, the black caucus.


Is Equality the Next New Thing? Why It May Matter More Today

Theresa M. Welbourne

In the Fall Leadership Pulse® report, we examined leader energy and attitudes toward diversity. However, rather than just asking about diversity in general, we did a deep dive examining the new language of diversity. Specifically, we looked at three items: diversity, belonging, and equality.

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Meet Our Faculty

Our award-winning research scientists, affiliates and  practitioners help companies drive performance by providing leading-edge research, practical tools, and a wealth of experience.

Theresa M. Welbourne

Affiliated Senior Research Scientist, Center for Effective Organizations

Will and Maggie Brooke Professor in Entrepreneurship and Executive Director, The University of Alabama