Organization Design Workshops & Certificate Programs

400 + Organizations and Counting

More than 400 organizations have participated in the Organization Design Certificate Program.

Organization Design Workshops & Certificate Programs

Organization design is a critical organizational capability in today’s dynamic global economy. There are two new Certificates in Organization Design available, including a foundational Certificate in Organization Design and an Advanced Practitioner Certificate for individuals who seek a deeper level of understanding through application with Senior Faculty from the Center for Effective Organizations, Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California.


To register or find out more about the Organization Design Certificate Programs, please contact:
Vivian Jimenez 
or call CEO at (213) 740-9814

 Strategic Organization Design Certificate

Complete both the Strategic Organization Design Workshop and the Strategic Organization Design Activation Workshop to earn your Certificate in Strategic Organization Design. This certificate offering from the Center for Effective Organizations, Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California, will only be offered once in 2025.

The Certificate Program is offered at $11,695 for Non-Sponsors and $9,470 for Sponsors (use your sponsor discount code at checkout)

Part I: Strategic Organization
Design Workshop

March 4-7, 2025 | One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052

November 11-14, 2025 | Los Angeles, CA


Core principles, frameworks,
models, and tools.

We use examples from our research and consulting to address the core building blocks of design and to demonstrate how to put them together to support strategy.

Design Topics include:

  • Strategy to Design
  • Designing the Lateral Organization
  • Organizing Around the Customer Innovation and Agility
  • Designing for Flexibility and Innovation
  • Designing Performance Management Systems
  • Designing Implementation Processes

The workshop is a prerequisite for attending Part II: Strategic Organization Design Activation Workshop. Attendance at any previous offerings of this workshop fulfills the prerequisite.

Part II: Strategic Organization Design Activation Workshop

May 13-15, 2025 | One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052

Develop your skills to ensure successful organization design activation.

Some of the more difficult design challenges occur after the organization chart has been communicated.  Activating a design successfully, that results in sustainable competitive advantage, is a formidable task.

In this highly interactive, practical program, participants will learn how to apply and leverage activation-related frameworks in addition to the frameworks and tools learned in the Strategic Organization Design workshop.  Real life case studies will be used to highlight applications.

 Participants will learn how to:

  • Integrate organization design with business model frameworks
  • Apply a systems-thinking approach to activation
  • Orchestrate identification and activation of effective lateral connections
  • Address micro-design challenges related to management processes, rewards, and people
  • Ensure effective design governance and change management to activate and sustain the changes
  • Understand how to influence and manage design fatigue and resistance

    This workshop is only open to individuals who have already attended Part I: Strategic Organization Design Workshop. Once a participant completes both the Part I: Strategic Organization Design Workshop and Part II: Strategic Organization Design Activation Workshop, they will have earned their Strategic Org Design Certificate.

    Advanced Strategic Org Design Practitioner Certificate

    Advanced Strategic Org Design Practitioner Certificate Application

    Available to those who have completed CEO’s Strategic Organization Design Certificate Program

    A deeper exploration in the application of design topics, processes, and analyses.

    Continuing upon the learnings and work completed in the Strategic Organization Design and Activation workshops, participants learn from faculty consultation through one-on-one coaching while working through a real design challenge within their organization. Participants are required to attend virtual coaching sessions with faculty, prepare a detailed design case, and present, via online webinar, among peers of the strategic organization design community.

    This workshop, which is the final phase of the Advanced Strategic Org Design Practitioner Certificate Program, is only open to individuals who have already completed the Strategic Organization Design Certificate. Participants wanting to complete this workshop and gain certification must submit a design challenge/project for approval prior to starting the coaching process. See the link below to submit an org design challenge for approval and begin the workshop.

    Program Fees

    (fees subject to change)
    $8,750 per person / Sponsor Companies
    $9,750 per person / Non-Sponsor Companies

    2025 dates to be announced

    Please submit a design challenge, which will be the focus of your work. USC Marshall CEO Faculty will review your design challenge and determine if your project qualifies. The Faculty will contact you to discuss and clarify any questions. 

    Meet Our Faculty

    Our award-winning research scientists, affiliates and  practitioners help companies drive performance by providing leading-edge research, practical tools, and a wealth of experience.

    Christopher G. Worley

    Senior Research Scientist, Center for Effective Organizations

    Research Professor of Management, Pepperdine University

    Beth Gunderson

    Senior Affiliate Practitioner

    Liz Vales Damron

    Affiliate Practitioner