Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Productivity and the Quality of Work Life

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and G. Ledford, Jr. (CEO) summarize the results of eight case studies of quality of worklife change programs.

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A Dynamic Approach to Employee Attachment and Withdrawal

Susan Albers Mohrman (USC) and Mary Ann Von Glinow (USC) examined employee attachment and withdrawal for a sample of electronics workers located in the Silicon Valley.

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An Appraisal of Performance Appraisal: Summary Results of a Large Scale Study

Based on a survey of managers and subordinates’ beliefs and assumptions about performance appraisal, on-site interviews and personnel records, this paper by Allan M. Mohrman, Jr. (USC) assesses performance appraisal practices in a large multi-national corporation.

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Employee Influence on Decisions: An Analysis

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO), Patricia A. Renwick (USC), and R. J. Bullock (University of Houston) report the results of a study concerned with the kinds of work place decisions that employees wish to influence.

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