Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Workforce Planning Across the Great Divide

John W. Boudreau (CEO) and Ian Ziskin (CEO) argue that even today’s most sophisticated SWP systems often focus solely on the workforce, using frameworks and tools that are largely in the domain of human resources management, and often provide the majority of their information about the HR function and its processes and activities.

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Talent Management: Challenges of building crossfunctional capability in high performance work systems environments

Alec R. Levenson (CEO) discusses how occupational dissimilarity is a measure of the overlap in education, skills and experience across two disciplines.

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Who’s buying the company stock? An investigation into identity and stock purchase plan participation in a newly public firm

Most of the research on employee ownership or employee stock plan participation investigates the effects of such forms of ownership on employee attitudes. In order to supplement that literature, Theresa M. Welbourne’s (CEO) study explores the effect of a set of employee attitudes (work related identity) on the decision to participate in an employee stock purchase plan.

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The Role-Based Identity Scale: Towards a Parsimonious Measure of Work-Related Identity

The study of identity has, to date, been primarily in the realm of social psychology, and as a result, little work has been done on work-related identity. Theresa M. Welbourne (CEO) introduces a new measure of identity that taps into five work-related roles.

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It’s Individuals, Not Generations, That Matter

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) examines how an entire industry has emerged dedicated to describing (and in some cases, stereotyping) the Gen-X, Y, boomers, silent, greatest and millennial generations and how they should be managed.

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Effective Talent Management

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and Christopher G. Worley (CEO) share that sustainability initiatives and corporate social responsibility programs are a possible first step toward developing organizations that are able to perform well financially, socially, and environmentally, what we like to call sustainable effectiveness.

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Talent Management – How do you find and develop top talent?

CEO Executive in Residence Ian Ziskin discussed the factors that characterize a Talenterprise (TM), an organization that is particularly effective at finding and developing talent, as well as his new book, WillBe: 13 Reasons WillBe’s are Luckier than WannaBe’s, which outlines what distinguishes up and coming high potentials from other people.

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Nine Principles for Sustainable Talent Management

Talent management is arguably the single most important HR activity in a sustainable management organization (SMO).This article by Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and Christopher G. Worley (CEO) describes nine principles and practices that should drive the way talent is managed in SMOs.

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Using Targeted Analytics to Improve Talent Decisions

Alec R. Levenson (CEO) shares that analytics and metrics offer great potential to improve the quality of decision making on HR and human capital issues in organizations.

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