Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Tapping the Full Potential of Human Resource Information Systems – Shifting the HR Paradigm from Service Delivery to a Talent Decision Science

John W. Boudreau (CEO) and Peter M. Ramstad (Personnel Decisions International) explain that the technical capabilities of human resource information systems (HRIS) are undeniable. HRIS vendors, service providers and their customers constantly find new ways to enhance the speed, capacity, accessibility and global reach of their systems.

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Talentship: The Future of Human Resource Measurement

John W. Boudreau (CEO) and Peter M. Ramstad (Personnel Decisions International) share that there is no shortage of measures in human resources. Unfortunately to date these measures have had little impact on how effectively organizations manage human capital, the apparent and hidden talents of employees and potential employees.

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Sustainability and the Talentship Paradigm: Strategic Human Resource Management Beyond the Bottom Line

John W. Boudreau states that sustainability language is in the mission statements of many global organizations, particularly those with European roots, and whose products and services carry highly visible ecological and social consequences, and it is rapidly becoming common among organizations beyond Europe and in a wide variety of industries.

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