Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Beyond Testimonials: Learning from a Quality Circles Program

Susan A. Mohrman and L. Novelli state that quality circles programs are based on the assumptions that employee participation leads to valued outcomes such as intrinsic satisfaction and recognition, and that it also results in the implementation of changes which enhance productivity and satisfaction.

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Adaptively Learning About the Impacts of Information Processing Technologies in the Office

In this paper, Allan M. Mohrman, Jr. and Luke Novelli, Jr. make a case for the need to develop and use a research methodology that helps us learn about the impacts of information processing technologies in the office.

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A Little Bit of Participation Can be a Dangerous Thing

In this paper by L. Novelli and Susan A. Mohrman, the impact of the duration of participation in rotating, voluntary problemsolving groups on worker perceptions and attitudes was examined in the context of a quality circle type program in a food warehouse.

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