Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Reconfiguring the Eco-System for Sustainable Healthcare (Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness)

Reconfiguring the Eco-System for Sustainable Healthcare (Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness)

Reconfiguring the Eco-System for Sustainable Healthcare (Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness) by Susan Albers Mohrman (Author, Editor), Abraham B. Shani (Editor) presents case studies and theoretical analyses that illustrate practical approaches to, and further the theoretical understanding of, the creation of a more sustainable healthcare.

Organizing for Sustainability

Organizing for Sustainability

Susan Albers Mohrman & A.B. (Rami) Shani, Editors
(Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2011) A large literature has been generated about sustainability, and many organizations, governments, communities and citizens have focused on it. This first volume of the Emerald series Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness learns from some of the pioneers articulating these challenges and organizing to address them.

The Development of New Organizational Capabilities

Susan A. Mohrman (CEO), Peter Docherty (Chalmers University of Technology), Abraham B. Shani (Cal Polytechnic State University), Andrew J. Schenkel (Stockholm School of Economics), and Robin Teigland (Stockholm School of Economics) generate a model and present propositions about new capability development that integrate perspectives from the strategy, learning, and social capital and network literatures.

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