Commemorating Labor Day 2023, I take a look at some key trends and challenges that have emerged over the past 30 years.

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations
Commemorating Labor Day 2023, I take a look at some key trends and challenges that have emerged over the past 30 years.
March 8, 2023
With John Boudreau and Alec Levenson (Host)
Many of us have conducted at least one experiment, asking ChatGPT a question. You can try it here. HR discussions about generative AI often focus on how it will change HR systems, such as offering answers to employee benefit questions by reading the company employee...
In this episode of the HRD Live Podcast, Dave Millner, CEO’s affiliated practitioner, discusses why being data-driven is becoming more important than ever to HR, and the critical role technology plays in a data-driven approach.
December 13, 2022
with Alec Levenson
October 28, 2022
with Alec Levenson and Dave Millner
Integrating Analytics and OD for Deeper Impact Webinar
with Alec Levenson and Maura Stevenson
Intelligent Automation (IA) to Accelerate Human Potential (Human Element Unplugged Webinar)
with John Boudreau and Ben Schneider
Navigating the Paradox with Four Questions The current paradox requires effectively managing the crisis, AND looking beyond today’s accomplishments to take actions now, that will sustain the vital lessons for the future. These four questions help guide the journey through the paradox, to create the most pivotal value for the future of work: What are […]
A core concern of the STARLab work has been the “technological lead, social lag” problem. Technological advance is hurtling forward; our social technologies have not kept up. New work systems are being configured around a network of digital platforms into which are built algorithms and routines for coordination, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and advanced analytic capabilities. They provide much integration and guide decision making, as well as enable efficient execution. Organizations are proceeding with the adoption of these systems because the technology exists and because they fear that not doing so will disadvantage them competitively. There is inadequate concern for creating the optimal combination of social/human and technological factors.
STARLab Consortium
Digitalization both demands and provides a medium for different kinds of innovation. An innovation capability will no longer be an option in the future, and it will likely look very different. The “changing face of innovation” will be driven by new technologies that enable orchestrated approaches, often among an ecosystem of partners, to develop process and product innovation, organizational/managerial innovation, and business model/ecosystem innovation. An innovation capability needs to address incremental product and service extensions, changes in the business (i.e., how value is created and delivered) and revenue model, work system innovations to support new business models, and enable greater connectivity, learning and resource efficiency across boundaries.
STARLab Consortium
This challenge has to do with using digital technology to enhance organizational ambidexterity
Companies reported that designing and balancing efficiency and digital innovation is hard and fraught with tensions and conflicts. The two types of work produce radically different structures, designs and cultures, which are often contradictory in purpose and management.
These tools are intended to help raise awareness of the challenge and to provide useful guides to actions
STARLab Consortium