Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Improving Business Results With Data-Driven Storytelling

Do you present data? Do you write reports that include numbers? Do people interrupt your presentations and ask if your data are “statistically significant?” Or do they interrupt and ask you a lot of “what if” questions, ignoring the points you are trying to make?

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HR Analysts: Unleash Your Inner Storyteller

HR Analysts: Unleash Your Inner Storyteller

John Boudreau shares how telling a story is well-recognized as essential to HR analytics and acknowledges that “insight” is at the top of the data analytics pyramid after data becomes information. HR analytics systems even offer pre-programmed storylines with deeper analysis.

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Analytics and Design for High Performance

In this webinar Drs Levenson and Fink review the evidence on the roles of technology and control systems in promoting performance, separate from employee engagement. They show how engagement can help enhance performance in some jobs while having little to no impact in other jobs.

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Workforce Data Systems are Junk Food, Not a Gold Mine

Workforce Data Systems are Junk Food, Not a Gold Mine

Alec Levenson discusses how people analytics in organizations is at a crossroads today. Analytics and data science are the hottest buzzwords in management since re-engineering and core competencies two decades ago.

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Human Capital Analytics: Why Are We Not There?

John Boudreau (CEO) and Wayne F. Cascio (University of Colorado, Denver) explain that while human capital analytics (HC analytics) recently has developed enormous interest, most organizations still find themselves struggling to move from operational reporting to analytics.

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Podcast: Strategic People Analytics

Max Blumberg of Tucana People Analytics talks with Alec Levenson, Senior Research Scientist at the Center for Effective Organizations, University of Southern California. Alec discusses the subject of strategic analytics.

Driving Storytelling and Action Through Data

A one hour webinar with Dr. Theresa M. Welbourne to learn how like-minded business leaders are working to transform how they use data to tell stories and drive action that leads to positive results.

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Analytics for Driving High Performance

In this webinar, Alec Levenson and Alexis Fink discuss some of the current challenges in the way that analytics are applied to HR and talent issues. The problem we face in organizations today is not a lack of analysis but oftentimes the opposite: too much analysis and data are thrown against the wall in the hopes that something will stick and make sense.

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Using Workforce Analytics to Improve Strategy Execution

In this article Alec Levenson (CEO) introduces an approach to conducting workforce analytics that is designed to improve strategy execution and organizational effectiveness through the application of systems diagnostics.

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Transform the Way You Use Data: Tell Stories and Drive Action that Leads to Positive Results

In a one hour webinar with Dr. Theresa M. Welbourne, learn how like-minded business leaders are working to transform how they use data to tell stories and drive action that leads to positive results.

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