CEO Webinar: From Agility by Necessity to Agility by Design: Learning from the COVID-19 Crisis
June 5, 2020
In this webinar: Kathy Zarr, Manager of Digital Development and Andy O’Conner, Director of Digital Development from BASF; and Jeanna Kozak, Principal from Humana, talk about the learning and redesign challenges and approaches in their companies. Chris Worley, Beth Gunderson and Sue Mohrman, from CEO, present an actionable framework to guide the learning, recovery and redesign process that constitutes agile capability: This framework informed by their research during the 2008 recovery period, and their extensive research on designing for agility, digitalization and sustainability. Together, and with input from attendees, we examined the elements of the transition to the agile organization of the future.
CEO Webinar: Fundamental Organization Transitions: Managing Complex, Simultaneous Change at Driscoll’s
May 30, 2019
In this webinar, Dan Ritter, Senior Manager for Organization Effectiveness at Driscoll’s will share the implementation of a systemic change at Driscolls focusing on fundamental transformation in the strategy and business model, but simultaneously developing capabilities and enhancing agility. Driscoll’s is world’s leading grower and distributor of raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries..
CEO Webinar: How Incubators Enable Business Model Change and New Ways of Working at Humana
April 11, 2019
In this webinar, Jeanna Kozak will describe the approach that has been taken by Humana, Inc, which is using an incubator to achieve fundamental change in its business model with a goal to: Co-create simple, personalized, and connected experiences so that providers and patients may engage and easily manage health holistically.
CEO Webinar: Adapting to Disruption: Frameworks and Lessons from the Field
January 16, 2018
In this webinar, Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman from USC’s Center for Effective Organizations and Beth Gunderson, Senior Director of Organization Capabilities at General Mills, will present field based learning and new frameworks for continual transformation. General Mills, like all processed foods companies, has been exposed to severe industry disruption. Beth will discuss approaches they have taken through the lens of the new models and frameworks that are needed to routinely respond to disruption.
CEO Webinar: Designing Organizations for the Digital World
December 11, 2017
In this webinar, Stu Winby, President, Spring Networks, and CEO Research Scientists Sue Mohrman and Chris Worley discussed and provided examples of the fundamentally changed organization designs that are emerging. They talked about the implications for the ongoing design process capabilities that are imperative in today’s turbulent world where technology advances are dragging companies toward a new way of operating.
CEO Webinar: Organization Design Capability: What Organizations Need to be Agile in Increasingly Turbulent Times
January 10, 2017
During this webinar, Sue Mohrman and Chris Worley will provide an overview of organization design, describe its importance, and make the business case for an internal design capability. They have been working with companies in Aerospace/Defense, Financial Services, Manufacturing, Fast-moving Consumer Goods, and High Technology to create such a capability. They will describe the general process and requirements for success and the challenges these organizations have faced.
CEO Webinar: Weaving Change Capability into the Fabric of the Organization
April 26, 2016
This webinar is about building an organization that can embrace change. Instead of managing change, organizations must make change happen, quickly and well. Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman, Senior Research Scientists at the Center for Effective Organizations, presented a research-based framework to embed a change capability into your organization, including the critical role of culture and identity and how organizations can continually learn rather than just talk about it. Becky Spears shared how the OD consulting group at Oracle has been experimenting with various approaches to helping business leadership teams determine what organization agility means for them, how it is similar and different from “change management,” and how it permeates the entire OD stack from strategy to team.
CEO Webinar: How HR Supports Organization Agility
February 29, 2016
In this webinar, Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman, Senior Research Scientists and Directors of CEO’s Organization Design Program, describe the foundations of agility – how the full systems design using the Star Model compliments today’s VUCA world. We examine the findings from a recent study of HR departments in Europe carried out in collaboration with the Corporate Research Forum. Specific, concrete examples from European HR functions and organizations provide important lessons for all organizations about how HR can foster agility, not hinder it–and some guidelines, principles to help in the fundamental reorientation of the function for today’s world.
CEO WEBINAR: Fundamental Change in a Complex Organization: Processes and Governance
Approaches for Keeping Multiple Design Teams Aligned
Audra Lee (Lockheed Martin)—February 2, 2016
Case example of designing to handle the complexity faced in today’s global environment—shows how one very large program approached a redesign that required the simultaneous redesign and ongoing integration of six large and highly interdependent sub-systems. Discusses the multiple level approaches to design and integration and the tools and processes that were used to ensure alignment throughout the design processes. Transition to implementation and the implementation design and governance approaches that are being used.
VIDEO: Developing Organizational Design at General Mills
Beth Gunderson (General Mills)—June 2015
Organization design is a critical organizational capability in today’s world of rapid change, global competition, and frequent market and product realignments. CEO has been partnering with many companies to support their development of internal design capabilities among HR and Organizational Effectiveness professionals. One partner, Beth Gunderson, has led such a development at General Mills, and shares the story of the journey in this interview.
CEO Webinar: Top-down, bottom-up, outside-in, and from the middle out: Where traditional change processes fall short
December 12, 2014
This webinar frames the challenges of large-scale change in a volatile and complex marketplace and described tools and examples of organizations that have abandoned the traditional approaches to adopt more flexible, adaptable, and agile approaches. Guest Speaker: Eric Severson, Senior Vice President, Global Talent Solutions (Gap, Inc.)
CEO Webinar: Misconceptions of Agility
October 6, 2014
Chris Worley, Tom Williams, and Ed Lawler will present and discuss several of the leading “misconceptions of agility.”
CEO Webinar: The Agility Pyramid: Diagnosis and Application
January 27, 2014
Chris Worley described the learnings about designing organizations for agility. Beginning with the Agility Pyramid, he will walk through the logic of the transformation to agility.
CEO WEBINAR: Cambia Health Solutions—IT Strategic Organization Design
Beth Tate and Kim Lengle (Cambia)
October 17, 2013
Beth Tate and Kim Lengle from Cambia Health (formerly Regence) present a case on the re-organization of their IT group.
CEO Webinar: Change Management is Obsolete: Learnings from Research and Practice About What’s Next
July 30, 2013
In this webinar Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman characterize the world we live in and explore the obsolescence of the design and change models that we use. They will share what they are learning from research and practice about more relevant change models, capabilities, and interventions that address the need to continually reconfigure to achieve sustainably high performance.
CEO Webinar: So you Want to be Agile? Find a Balance Between “Fat” and “Muscle”
January 10, 2013
In this webinar, Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman will describe their learnings about designing organizations for agility. There are many paradoxes inherent in such designs. Agility requires accepting a certain amount of slack that absorbs the risk of investing in their future while relentlessly driving down costs in present operations; experimenting on the one hand while systematically incorporating what is learned on the other; and developing people to be ready for the future while making them expert in the present. In agile organizations, change is routine.
CEO WEBINAR: Organizational Design Refresher Webinar
Janice Schonwetter (AlignOrganizations)—February 26, 2013
Janice presents a case dealing with the redesign of HR in a large, global engineering design and services company. A very systematic example of working through the issues of leveraging services across businesses and across regions and how to organize for that.
CEO Webinar: HR and Sustainability
November 27, 2012
Ed Lawler, Sue Mohrman, and Chris Worley took a first look at data from a new study on sustainable organizations. A just-completed CEO study focused on HR’s role in corporate sustainability activities. It looked at what HR does and what it would like to do in regards to sustainability.
Sue Mohrman and Chris Worley examine the relationship and the full system of capabilities required to create a sustainably effective organization. Both work system design and organization design are needed and must be orchestrated in order to align the resources and activities of the organization with strategy, and to ensure that valued high quality services and products are reliably and affordably delivered to the customer.
CEO Webinar: Network Designs For Sustainable Effectiveness—What Does it Really Take to Get Beyond the Constraints of Hierarchy and Segmentation?
Guest Speaker: Sally Breyley Parker, President, Currere, Inc.
September 26, 2011
To get a glimpse into the network design of the future, Sue Mohrman and Chris Worley shared a framework and case examples from our research on “Organizing for Sustainability.”
CEO Webinar: Beyond Change Management: From Traditional Phase Models to More Robust Models of Transformation Amidst Chaos
February 7, 2011
Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman highlight the characteristics of more advanced models of continuous change and transformation suitable in today’s complex and dynamic environments. They noted that many organizations faced with overlapping cycles of changes that may or may not be nicely integrated in a neat and tidy model and that cannot be fully aligned, and also that an organization’s resilience is based on creating and preserving diversity in talent, strategies, and systems.
Public link to StarLab – The STARLab acronym “Socio-technical Action Research Lab” points to a specific type of lab which is designed to create socio-technical action research. A number of papers were written to outline the distinctive features of the socio-technical action research lab. In 2019 publications and tools were generated from CEO’s research about digital transformations and the organization design implications (NOTE: These are now on the CEO Website)
In this energetic talk, Morieux offers six rules for “smart simplicity.” (Rule One: Understand what your colleagues actually do.)
VIDEO: What is Organization Design? | Kates Kesler
Feb 5, 2014
We have created a five-minute, animated introduction to the Star Model and the Five Milestone Process of organization design.
VIDEO: Inno-Versity Presents: “Greatness” by David Marquet
October 8, 2013
This Inno-Versity Inno-Mation was adapted from Captain David Marquet’s talk on Greatness, and is based on his book, ‘Turn the Ship Around’!
VIDEO: Current Trends in Organization Design
September 2013
In a collaboration between The Center for Effective Organizations (CEO) and the Corporate Research Forum (CRF) in London, Sue Mohrman and Gillian Pillans examined the major organization design challenges being experienced by global corporations
CEO WEBINAR: Models & Choices for Shared Functions & Services
April 11, 2011
Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman talk about Models and Choices for Shared Functions and Services. They provide models and company examples of how to design shared functions, services and Centers of Excellence.
VIDEO: Jay Galbraith at Organization Design Forum-Organization Design Issues for Creating the Digital Enterprise
Presented at CEO’s 2014 Sponsors’ Meeting (35th Anniversary) – May 2013
Big Data—Jay describes three changes that organizations are making to capitalize on this new capability.
CEO Webinar: Executing Multidimensional Organizations
July 2, 2011
Jay Galbraith discusses three-dimensional matrices of functions, business units and countries as well as four-dimensional structures, such as Procter & Gamble’s Four Pillar Organization is an example. This session describes why companies are adopting this level of complexity, as well as how we make these structures work.
CEO Webinar: Designing the Enterprise Organization
April 9, 2010
In this session Jay addresses the value-adding conglomerates with examples from IBM and Cisco. He also discusses the Disney leverage model in the context of the fashion industry structure of VF Corporation and Armani.
CEO Webinar: Designing Matrix Organizations That Actually Work
June 17, 2009
Jay addresses the design of successful matrix organizations. He features the Star Model as a guide to design. He emphasizes the point that designing a successful matrix is less about structure and more about designing management processes, creating joint goals, managing conflict, clarifying roles and responsibilities and creating strong management teams; ends with HR practices, reward systems and selection criteria to complete the Star Model.