The advantages and disadvantages of basing bonus payments on organizational performance are considered by Edward E. Lawler III.
Research and Insights Archive
Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations
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This article by Edward E. Lawler III presents a brief overview of gainsharing. It covers benefits, management style and the effects of situational conditions. The use of profit sharing and stock ownership is considered.
Gainsharing Theory and Research: Findings and Future Directions
In this article by Edward E. Lawler III, key research needs are identified and the kinds of technical and theoretical developments which would aid the wider adoption and understanding of gainsharing are discussed.
Skill Based Pay
Skill based pay systems are described and contrasted with job based pay systems in this article by Edward E. Lawler III and G. Ledford, Jr.
Reward Strategies for Attracting, Evaluating and Retaining Professionals
Mary Ann Von Glinow presents a typology of the design of organizational reward systems that explicitly addresses attraction, evaluation and retention of valued professionals is offered within four cultural contexts: the Apathetic Culture, the Caring Culture, the Exacting Culture, and the Integrative Culture.
Managing Organizational Culture by Managing the Reward System
Nirmal K. Sethia and Mary Ann Von Glinow argue that management of culture is becoming a key challenge for the leadership in an increasing number of organizations.
Pay for Performance: A Motivational Analysis
This paper by Edward E. Lawler III analyzes the motivational effectiveness of piece-rate incentive plans and merit salary increases.
The New Pay
This paper by Edward E. Lawler III reviews the implications of new approaches to management for pay practices. It suggests that pay needs to be administered very differently in the future.
Gainsharing: Some Questions and Fewer Answers
The experience of 33 organizations with gainsharing programs is reviewed and summarized in this paper by R. Bullock and Edward E. Lawler III.
The Design of Effective Reward Systems
Edward E. Lawler III reviews the effectiveness of a number of different approaches to pay. Considers the role of pay in strategic management and the management of organizational change.
What Ever Happened to Incentive Pay?
Edward E. Lawler III reviews the decline of Incentive Pay plans. Points out that many forces have caused this to happen and warns that we must not give up on pay as an incentive. Gainsharing plans are suggested as an alternative to incentive pay.
The Strategic Design of Reward Systems
Edward E. Lawler III identifies the likely outcomes of an effective reward system and points out the ways in which reward systems vary. Provides a way of thinking that can aid in making key strategic choices in reward system design.