Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Seven Challenges to Virtual Team Performance: Lessons from Sabre, Inc.

Bradley L. Kirkman, Benson Rosen, Cristina B. Gibson, Paul E. Tesluk, and Simon O. McPherson share that advances in communications and information technology create new opportunities for organizations to build and manage virtual teams.

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Fostering Intranet Knowledge-Sharing: An Integration of Transactive Memory and Public Goods Approaches

Andrea Hollingshead, Janet Fulk, and Peter Monge discuss how transactive memory theory is useful for predicting how organizational members use intranets to acquire, store and retrieve knowledge. Public Goods Theory is useful for predicting whom, how much, and when members will contribute and retrieve knowledge on intranets.

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A Motivational Model for Resolving Social Dilemmas in Discretionary Databases

Michael E. Kalman, Janet Fulk, and Peter Monge discuss how organizations have increasingly become sites of collective action, where task performers rely upon shared databases as flexible means to collect and distribute information widely.

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Intranet Functionality as Collective Action

This study by Janet Fulk, Rebecca Heino, Andrew J. Flanagin, Peter Monge, Kijung Kim, and Wan-Ying Lin sought to provide insight into the collective action necessary to create a viable organizational knowledge-sharing network in the form of an Intranet. Intranets were conceived as offering the functionalities of public goods to organizational members, due to their connective and communal functions.

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The Contexts for Geographically Dispersed Teams and Networks

Sue Mohrman discusses how in this era of global integration, electronic connectivity, and network and partner structures, work is with increasing frequency performed and integrated by geographically dispersed, or distributed, teams and networks.

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Collaboration in the Virtual Organization

Susan G. Cohen and Don Mankin believe that collaboration is the key to effectiveness in the virtual organization.

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When Workers are Here, There and Everywhere: A Discussion of the Advantages and Challenges of Telework

Nancy B. Kurland and Diane E. Bailey discuss home-based telecommuting, satellite offices, neighborhood work centers, and mobile working which are alternative forms of work organization that together constitute “telework.”

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Teams and Information Technology: Creating Value Through Knowledge

In this paper, Tora K. Bikson, Susan G. Cohen, and Don Mankin examine how information and information technology can make teams more effective.

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An Organizational Learning Framework for Understanding Business Process Redesign: A Case Study From the Financial Services Industry

In this paper, S. Mohrman, R. Tenkasi, and A. Mohrman, Jr. examine one company’s experience with business process redesign coupled with the implementation of a new business strategy, advanced, networked information technology, and organizational design.

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Teams and Technology in the New Organization

In this article from 1996, Susan G. Cohen, Don Mankin, and Tora K. Bikson discuss how teams and information technology (IT) are two of the most important developments in organizations today.

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