Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Teams and Teamwork: Future Directions

Will organizations expand their use of teams and teamwork mechanisms over the next ten years? This chapter by Susan G. Cohen examines the current use of teams and internal networked designs, and predicts that their use will grow.

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Organizational Design: The Past, Present and Future

Jay R. Galbraith states that the design of organizations has passed through a number of different stages. These stages are best reviewed chronologically.

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Alternative Pay Systems, Firm Performance and Productivity

D. Mitchell, D. Lewin and Edward E. Lawler III explain that the 1970s and 1980s are perceived, with hindsight, as periods of economic change and adjustment. Given that environment, a willingness to experiment in human resource (HR) practices developed, including practices relating to compensation systems.

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Where is Human Resources Management Going? Six Models in Search of a Future

Michael Driver, Robert Coffey, and David E. Bowen state that there seems to be a growing consensus that HRM is at a crucial crossroads in its role within corporations in the United States.

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Moving from Production to Service in Human Resources Management

This article by Dave Bowen and Larry E. Greiner contends that the effectiveness of Human Resources (HR) staff groups responsible for personnel in organizations is limited because these groups often perform their role with a production orientation rather than a service orientation.

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Gainsharing Theory and Research: Findings and Future Directions

In this article by Edward E. Lawler III, key research needs are identified and the kinds of technical and theoretical developments which would aid the wider adoption and understanding of gainsharing are discussed.

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