Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Organization Development within the Firm: A Survey of the 500 Largest Industrials

Gary C. McMahan and Richard W. Woodman conducted a study in which the 500 largest industrial firms in the United States were surveyed with regard to their internal Organization Development (OD) practice.

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Organizational Effectiveness: New Realities and Challenges

Edward Lawler III provides an overview of the critical global factors that demand higher performance standards from organizations.

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Locating Meaning in Organizational Learning: The Narrative Basis of Cognition

Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi and Richard J. Boland Jr. call for a fundamental reorientation of our understanding of human cognition and its relation to organizational learning, a turn that sees the basic organizing principle of cognition as essentially narrative and not schematic or representational.

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The Practice of Organization Development: A Survey of the 500 Largest Service Firms

In this study by Gary C. McMahan, Richard W. Woodman, and Ana Moreno, the 500 largest service firms in the United States were surveyed with regard to their internal Organization Development (OD) practice.

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Designing Effective Self-Managing Work Teams

This paper by Susan G. Cohen proposes a model of self-managing work team (SMWT) effectiveness derived from several theories of organizational behavior and empirical work.

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Pay Systems Must Support Quality

The relationship between pay systems and total quality management systems is discussed in this paper by Edward Lawler III.

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Total Quality Management: Practices in the Fortune 1000

E. Lawler III, S Mohrman, and G. Ledford, Jr. report on the results of the Center for Effective Organizations survey of the Fortune 1000 companies. Particular focus is on the kind of total quality management practices which are adopted by these companies.

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The Value Adding Corporation

Jay R. Galbraith states that the concept of the American Corporation has been evolving for some time. By the early 1980s a consensus had developed around the different types of corporations and their organizations.

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New Forms of Organization III

The Center for Effective Organizations and Fiat have conducted a series of travelling seminars. This part of the series by Jay Galbraith focused on organization forms for competitive renewal.

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New Organization Forms for Manufacturing Competitiveness

Jay Galbraith of the Center for Effective Organizations and FIAT conducted their second “traveling seminar” in order to study new forms of organization being used by manufacturing companies.

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The Effectiveness of Self-Managing Teams: A Quasi-Experiment

This study by S. Cohen and G. Ledford, Jr. uses a quasi-experimental design to assess the effectiveness of self-managing teams in a telecommunications company.

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Implementing Effective IHRM Practices: A Challenge for MNCs in the 1990s

Janice M. Beyer and John Milliman argue that multinational corporations (MNCs) of the future will be faced with a – whole new array of challenges, thus necessitating international HRM practices (IHRM) that are able to adapt to changing pressures.

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