Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Communication and Collaboration in Distributed Cognition

Richard J. Boland, Jr. and Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi explain that distributed cognition is manifest when individuals in an organization act autonomously, yet have interdependencies and must take knowledge of each other into account if a coordinated organizational outcome is to emerge.

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Human Resource Management in Northern Mexico: Lessons Learned by Maquiladora Managers

This article by Lisa Hope Pelled and Kenneth D. Hill presents the voices of maquiladoras managers as they described the key HRM challenges they have faced in Northern Mexico and how they have handled those challenges.

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Strategy, Core Competencies and HR Involvement as Determinants of HR Effectiveness and Refinery Performance

Patrick M. Wright, Gary C. McMahan, Blaine McCormick, and W. Scott Sherman examined the impact strategy, core competence, and involvement of HR executives in strategic decision making on the refinery managers’ evaluation of the effectiveness of HR and refinery performance among 86 U.S. petro-chemical refineries.

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Creating High Performance Organizations: Practices and Results of Employee Involvement and TQM in Fortune 1000 Companies

Creating High Performance Organizations: Practices and Results of Employee Involvement and TQM in Fortune 1000 Companies

Edward E. Lawler III , Susan Albers Mohrman and Gerry Ledford (Jossey-Bass, 1995)
Creating High Performance Organizations offers the most up-to-date results from a unique longitudinal study that has systematically researched the adoption and impact of employee involvement (EI) and total quality management (TQM) practices on the largest companies in the United States.

Human Resource System Effects at Production Facilities in Mexico

Lisa Hope Pelled and Kenneth D. Hill examined human resource system effects on performance and turnover at 40 production facilities in Mexico.

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Assessing the Factors Influencing Differences Between Supervisor and Subordinate Performance Ratings: A Multiple Sample Study

K. Kacmar, D. Carlson, P. Wright, and G. McMahan discuss 360 degree feedback techniques including, among others, performance ratings by self and supervisor.

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Automate or Informate? An Investigation of the Effects of Information Technology on Motivation and Performance

Research by Gary C. McMahan, Richard W. Woodman, and Patrick M. Wright supports the hypotheses that task discretion moderates the relationship between both information technology and task motivation and the relationship between information technology and task performance.

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Performance Management and “Running the Business”

This paper by A. Mohrman, Jr. and S. Mohrman enumerates the characteristics of the new approaches to performance management that are arising in response to these problems and that tie directly to running the business.

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The Contextual Determinants Of Increased Adoption Of Participative Practices In Organizations

Drawing on multiple frameworks, this study by R. Tenkasi, S. Mohrman, G. Ledford, Jr., and E. Lawler III tested longitudinally on a matched set of 130 companies the contextual determinants of increased adoption of participative practices.

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On the Integration of Strategy and Human Resources: An Investigation of the Match between Human Resources and Strategy among NCAA Basketball Teams

Patrick M. Wright, Dennis Smart, and Gary C. McMahan examine the relationships among strategy, human resources, and performance among NCAA basketball teams.

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Aligning Teacher Compensation with Systemic School Reform: Skill-Based Pay and Group-Based Performance Rewards

A. Mohrman, Jr., S. Mohrman, and A. R. Odden explain that teacher compensation structures have remained relatively constant for the past many decades.

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A Predictive Model of Self-Managing Work Team Effectiveness

This paper by Susan Cohen, Gerry Ledford, Jr., and Gretchen Spreitzer tests a theoretically-driven model of self-managing work team effectiveness.

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