Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Team Cognitive Ability as a Predictor of Team Performance

This study by Patrick M. Wright, Gary C. McMahan, and Dennis Smart examined the relationship between team cognitive ability (average Scholastic Aptitude Test score) and team performance (a subjective coach’s evaluation and an objective measure using Sagarin’s Power Rankings) among NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball teams during the 1991-92 season.

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The Impact of Individual Differences on the Socialization of Workers to a Technological Intervention

This study by K. Michele Kacmar, Patrick M. Wright, and Gary C. McMahan examined the role of ability, motivation, and their interactions in the effectiveness of the use of training as a socialization tool.

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Towards an Understanding of the Factors which Enable and Obstruct Learning in New Product Development: An Action Research Study

Ronald E. Purser, William A. Pasmore, and Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi explain that organizational learning in new product development involves the development of a knowledge base that can inform technical problem solving and decision making.

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A Performance Management Model for Team-Based Settings

Based on recent research at CEO, this paper by A. Mohrman, Jr. and S. Mohrman lays out a model of performance management systems in team-based knowledge work settings.

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When People Get Out of the Box: New Attachments to Co-Workers

S. Mohrman and S. Cohen state that new approaches to designing and managing organizations are changing the assumptions that have been built into traditional hierarchical organizations and the performance required by organizational participants.

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The Effects of Information Technology: An Investigation of the Motivational Impact of Information Technology

The results of this research by Gary C. McMahan, Richard Woodman, and Patrick M. Wright support the notion that there are at least two distinct types of information technology that affect the motivational level of a task. Results also support the hypothesis that task discretion moderates the relationship between information technology and task motivation.

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The Impact of Cognitive Biases on Delays in Product Development Teams

In this study, Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi and Ronald E. Purser conceptually establish and empirically examine the relationship between cognitive biases and incidence of delays in 25 product development teams.

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Performance Appraisal, or is it Performance Management?

Edward Lawler III discusses learnings concerning the future of performance. He reviews the inherent conflicts in performance appraisals such as the one between counseling and rewarding, and considers ways to improve the effectiveness of the appraisal process.

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Measurement, Evaluation and Reward of Profit Center Managers: A Cross-Cultural Field Study

This study by Kenneth A. Merchant, Chee W. Chow, and Anne Wu was designed to explore differences between the U.S. and Taiwanese firms in measuring, evaluating and rewarding profit center managers, a subject which has not been addressed in the research literature.

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P=F(MxA): Cognitive Ability as a Moderator of the Relationship between Personality and Job Preference

This study by Patrick M. Wright, K. Michele Kacmar, Gary C. McMahan, and Kevin Deleeuw tested the validity of the use of personality tests with aptitude tests as predictors of performance for 203 warehousers using the Hollenbeck and Whitener (1988) interactive model.

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Job Design: A Contemporary Review and Future Prospects

The purpose of this chapter by Ricky W. Griffin and Gary C. McMahan is to summarize the historical development of job design theory and research, describe current theory and research regarding job design, and suggest new directions that job design theory and research might more fruitfully pursue in the future.

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