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In 1979, our foundational work began a movement in the field. Today, we’re at the forefront, discovering and creating the latest knowledge in the design, leadership and transformation of organizations. We provide leaders from around the world with the trusted insights and hands-on learning they need to help solve complex challenges and build highly effective, sustainable operating models and organizations.
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Webinar: Driving Change with Data and Diagnostics
Join us to learn how data and diagnostics can be leveraged to facilitate strategic change across all layers of your organization, ensuring a cohesive and scalable transformation.
Building capabilities and changing the organization
Executing a (new) strategy means two things. You have to build new capability required for the strategy. And the organization has to change from the old capability to the new. Capability building and change. Simple enough, and easy to say. So why do most strategy executions fail?
WEBINAR: USC CEO Annual Strategic ERG Leader/Member Impact Research Report
With Theresa Welbourne
WEBINAR: “State of ERGs” Research Findings
With Theresa Welbourne.
In this session, we will review the research findings of the first comprehensive “State of ERGs” research study to provide Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) executives with benchmarking data on ERG practices.
How Organization Agility Produces Sustained Performance: Bringing Coherence to Diverse Conceptual Perspectives (Download)
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Why and how organizations change – especially in competitive and dynamic environments – are central questions in organization theory and strategic management. Organization agility (OA) has emerged as a construct to describe the way organizations adapt quickly to continuous disruption and change, and theories explaining how OA works and produces performance outcomes have proliferated.
2024: The State of ERGs Research and Annual ERG Leader & Member Impact Reports (Download)
Discover the power of ERGs in driving diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEI&B) strategies globally. Dr. Theresa Welbourne and CEO have spearheaded the “State of ERGs” research study, the first study of its kind, and the Annual Leader & Member Survey. Click here to access the latest insights and empower your organization’s journey towards inclusion.
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