Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Performance Appraisal Driven Pay

Edward E. Lawler III argues that the act of judging is a relatively simple one and one that occurs regularly throughout all human endeavors. The situation is substantially more complex in formal organizations than it is in most situations where performance judgments are reached.

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Managerial Values in the People’s Republic of China and Hong Kong

This paper by Philip H. Birnbaum and Gilbert Y. Y. Wong reports on a study of the managerial values in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Hong Kong.

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What Laws Govern the Size of a Meaningful Pay Increase?

This study by David Bowen, Christopher G. Worley, and Edward E. Lawler III examined the relationship between different size pay increases and their meaningfulness to employees.

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Participative Managerial Behavior and Organizational Change

Managerial behavior has typically not been the lead variable in organizational change efforts. This paper by Susan A. Mohrman and Edward E. Lawler III examines the kinds of behaviors that are required of a manager in a high involvement organization.

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Attitudinal Effects of Employee Participation Groups: How Strong, How Persistent?

This study by Gerry Ledford, Jr. and Susan A. Mohrman examines attitudes of 823 employees who are current members, former members, or never members of employee participation groups.

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The Transfer of Human Resource Management Technology in Sino-US Cooperative Ventures: Problems and Solutions

In this paper by Mary Ann Von Glinow and Mary B. Teagarden, differences between Chinese and U.S. human resource management systems are described with respect to fundamental organization and work-related assumptions about people and performance, rewards, training and development, and educational background of HR practitioners.

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Managing Teleworking Final Report

The basic premise of this research by Jack M. Nilles was that, although telecommuting might have a number of inherent attributes that would make it attractive to organizations, its acceptance in the near term (that is, over the next decade) would be decided largely by the attitudes and experiences of middle managers; managers of telecommuters.

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The Strategic Impact of Information Technology on Managerial Work Final Report

The purpose of this research project by Jack Nilles, Omar El Sawy, Allan Mohrman, Jr., and Thierry Pauchnag was to examine the effect of information technology on that major strategic resource: managers and mid-level professionals.

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Manager-Subordinate Agreement in the Performance Appraisal Meeting

This paper by J. Prince, Edward E. Lawler III, and Allan Mohrman, Jr. analyzes patterns of agreement on the appraisal meeting characteristics and broader contextual factors using two independent samples of matched manager-subordinate pairs.

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Traffic Reduction by Telecommuting: A Status Review and Selected Bibliography

Telecommuting is defined as a subset of teleworking. Two main forms of telecommuting (home and regional center) are described in this article by Jack M. Nilles.

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Performance Management in the Highly Interdependent World of High Technology

A research study in an aerospace corporation conducted by A. Mohrman, Jr., Susan A. Mohrman, and Christopher G. Worley reveals that high technology settings work against traditional performance facilitators such as job specification and the setting of goals.

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Parallel Participation Structures

A parallel organization is an adjunct to the regular organizational processes and structures. This paper by Susan A. Mohrman and Edward E. Lawler III examines the typical life cycle of a parallel organization.

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