Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

The Promise of Big Data for HR

Alec R. Levenson (CEO) argues that “Big data” is all the rage these days. Companies have been making large advances in understanding their customers and markets as we gather more and more information on how people shop, work and live their lives.

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Using HR Analytics for Modeling and Making Sense of Compensation, 12/12, Audio/Slides

In this webinar Alec Levenson reviewed the principles and uses of models as decision making aids, even when there is not enough time or data for doing statistical analysis.

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Maximizing the Return on Your Survey and Measurement Work

CEO Senior Research Scientist Alec Levenson spoke about Maximizing the Return on Your Survey and Measurement Work on January 11, 2012.

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Talent Management: Challenges of building crossfunctional capability in high performance work systems environments

Alec R. Levenson (CEO) discusses how occupational dissimilarity is a measure of the overlap in education, skills and experience across two disciplines.

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Conducting Action Research

Alec R. Levenson (CEO) and Wenhong Zhang (Nanjing University) provide a review of and guide to conducting action research: what it is, the benefits of it, examples, and how to do it.

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The Economic Analysis of Teams: An Interdisciplinary Perspective

This paper by Alec R. Levenson (CEO) provides an interdisciplinary look at the issues surrounding group-level processes and productivity, comparing the economic and behavioral science literatures and providing suggestions for ways that economists can learn from advances in the behavioral science literature.

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Optimizing Incentive Plan Design: A Case Study

Alec R. Levenson (CEO), Cindy Zoghi (BLS), Michael Gibbs (University of Chicago), and George S. Benson (University of Texas) study effects of a firm’s attempt to optimize an existing incentive scheme to increase sales growth for direct store delivery workers.

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Targeted and Predictive Human Capital Analytics

Alec Levenson spoke on January 20, 2011 about the fact that maximizing the contribution people make to the bottom line is a critical issue for organizations, and analytics are a foundation of those insights.

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Using Targeted Analytics to Improve Talent Decisions

Alec R. Levenson (CEO) shares that analytics and metrics offer great potential to improve the quality of decision making on HR and human capital issues in organizations.

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What is the Best Way to Design Your Employees’ Jobs?

Different jobs and businesses require professionals with different skills. Michael Gibbs, Clinical Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and Alec Levenson, Research Scientist at the USC, explain the advantages and disadvantages of two opposite, yet complementary, approaches used to design employee jobs.

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Rethinking Retention Strategies: Work-Life Versus Deferred Compensation in a Total Rewards Strategy

This paper by Alec R. Levenson (CEO), Michael J. Fenlon (PwC), and George Benson (University of Texas) explains a rethinking of the meaning of total rewards that led to changes that produced lasting reductions in turnover and direct bottom-line benefits.

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Millennials and the World of Work: An Economist’s Perspective

This article by Alec R. Levenson (CEO) uses an economic approach to address whether and how the Millennial generation is significantly different from its predecessors.

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