Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Women are Minorities in Management

Ann M. Morrison and Mary Ann Von Glinow discuss how women and minorities face a “glass ceiling” that limits their advancement toward top management in organizations throughout U.S. society.

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The Transfer of Human Resource Management Technology in Sino-US Cooperative Ventures: Problems and Solutions

In this paper by Mary Ann Von Glinow and Mary B. Teagarden, differences between Chinese and U.S. human resource management systems are described with respect to fundamental organization and work-related assumptions about people and performance, rewards, training and development, and educational background of HR practitioners.

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Impediments to the Sino-U.S. Joint Venture Process

Mary Ann Von Glinow and Mary B. Teagarden state that joint ventures between the United States and China have increased dramatically since normalization of relationships resulting in China’s Open Door Policy.

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Reward Strategies for Attracting, Evaluating and Retaining Professionals

Mary Ann Von Glinow presents a typology of the design of organizational reward systems that explicitly addresses attraction, evaluation and retention of valued professionals is offered within four cultural contexts: the Apathetic Culture, the Caring Culture, the Exacting Culture, and the Integrative Culture.

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Managing Organizational Culture by Managing the Reward System

Nirmal K. Sethia and Mary Ann Von Glinow argue that management of culture is becoming a key challenge for the leadership in an increasing number of organizations.

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Organizational Outcomes of Creativity

Mary Ann Glinow and Steven Kerr state that it is an assumption not an established fact, that “creative individuals and organizations” are more productive in terms
of commonly used financial and productivity criteria, and once an individual has become “creative,” the firm will benefit.

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Incentives for Controlling the Performance of High Technology and Professional Employees

Mary Ann Von Glinow argues that many problems arise from potential incompatibilities between characteristics of high technology and professional employees and traditional organizational authority and control systems.

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The Role of Feedback in the Creation of Useful Knowledge

Mary Ann Von Glinow and Nirmal Sethia explain that practical usefulness or relevance of the knowledge produced in academic settings has become an issue of growing concern in recent years.

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Controlling the Performance of Professional Employee Through the Creation of Congruent Environments

Mary Ann Von Glinow (USC) states that many problems arise from potential incompatibilities between characteristics of professional employees and characteristics of the organizational situation, specifically the system.

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A Dynamic Approach to Employee Attachment and Withdrawal

Susan Albers Mohrman (USC) and Mary Ann Von Glinow (USC) examined employee attachment and withdrawal for a sample of electronics workers located in the Silicon Valley.

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