Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

The Impact of Schemas and Inquiry Frames on Consultants’ Constructions of Expectations about the Client System

This study by Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi, Tojo J. Thachankary, Frank J. Barrett, and Michael R. Manning investigated and supported the view that the consultants’ constructions of positive or negative perceptions and expectations about the client system is an artifact of consultant organizational schemas and inquiry frames.

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The Impact of Cognitive Biases on Delays in Product Development Teams

In this study, Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi and Ronald E. Purser conceptually establish and empirically examine the relationship between cognitive biases and incidence of delays in 25 product development teams.

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Raising Awareness of Interpretive Processes in Knowledge Work

Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi, Richard J. Boland, Jr., and Ronald E. Purser argue that in contrast to routine work systems such as traditional manufacturing where work is defined, repetitive, and embedded in clear, shared goals, knowledge work or non-routine work as in new product development is an inherently complex, uncertain and ambiguous process.

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Examining Cognitive Processes in R&D: Cognitive Simplification Activity as a Measure of the Quality of Thinking in New Product Development Teams

Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi proposes that cognitive simplification processes can be a useful measure of the quality of cognitive activity in R&D. New product development teams reporting a higher incidence of cognitive simplification processes in their deliberations were rated lower on project performance.

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Supporting Knowledge Diversity in Knowledge Intensive Firms: A New Frontier for Information System Design

This paper by Richard J. Boland, Jr., Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi, and Anil K Maheshwari argues the need for information systems that actively value the diversity of differentiated knowledge and that provide mechanisms for the integration of knowledge which respects the separateness of each expertise and way of knowing.

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Technology Transfer as a Collaborative Learning

R. Tenkasi, and S. Mohrman argue that soft technologies/innovations such as MBO or quality circles are not equipment based but have to do with techniques, procedures, approaches, processes, and methods.

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Perspective Making and Perspective Taking in Communities of Knowing

In this paper, Richard J. Boland Jr. and Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi look to science as an example of knowledge work in a community of knowing, and draw implications for the design of electronic communication systems and policies to support perspective making and perspective taking.

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Locating Meaning in Organizational Learning: The Narrative Basis of Cognition

Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi and Richard J. Boland Jr. call for a fundamental reorientation of our understanding of human cognition and its relation to organizational learning, a turn that sees the basic organizing principle of cognition as essentially narrative and not schematic or representational.

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Designing Information Technology to Support Distributed Cognition

Richard J. Boland Jr., Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi, and Dov Te’Eni discuss how cognition in organizations is a distributed phenomenon, in which individual members of an organization reflect upon their experience, make plans, or take action.

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