Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Union Management Cooperation: A Case Study in Ambivalence

This paper by Susan A. Mohrman presents the consultant’s perspective on a union/management quality of worklife project.

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The Dynamic Organizational Contexts of Executive Succession: Consideration and Challenges

Craig C. Lundberg says that while long a topic of interest, in recent years executive succession has drawn increasing attention by managers and organizational scholars alike.

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Intervention and Politics at the Top: Missing Link Failed Organization Change

This paper by Larry E. Greiner argues that major organization changes often fail because of political dynamics at the top of corporations.

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The Persistence of Organizational Change: Variance Theory and Process Theory Models

A conceptual review of the literature on the persistence of planned organizational change is presented by Gerald Ledford, Jr, based on Lawrence Mohr’s distinction between variance theory models and process theory models of explanation.

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Mission Impossible? Teaching Corporate America to Think

Ian I. Mitroff addresses why American management is ill-prepared and even resistant to facing the challenges of a turbulent world.

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Doing Research: The Case of Organizational Design

T. Cummings, Susan A. Mohrman, A. Mohrman, Jr., and G. Ledford, Jr. present a framework for understanding
a research approach with organizations that are designing and redesigning themselves to adapt to rapid and fundamental societal changes.

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Utilization of Organizational Behavior Knowledge: The Improbable Task

This paper by Warren G. Bennis and Joseph DeBell aims to outline and evaluate the major interventions used to apply behavioral science to improving organizational effectiveness.

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Three Types of Change in the Automated Office

This paper by Allan M. Mohrman, Jr. and Luke Novelli, Jr. uses actual results to show three ways in which new office technologies can change effectiveness.

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The Paradox of Managing a Project Oriented Matrix: Establishing Coherence within Chaos

This article by Larry E. Greiner (USC) and Virginia E. Schein (Consultant) focuses on the “Behavioral pathologies” that arise naturally in a project structure with mult-disciplinary team; one example being “authority ambiguity and responsibility confusion.”

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