Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Towards a Theory of Strategic Change: A Multi-Lens Perspective and Integrative Framework

Nandini Rajagopalan and Gretchen M. Spreitzer provide a comprehensive review of the strategic change literature from three theoretical lenses: the rational, learning, and cognitive lenses.

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Global Change As Contextual Collaborative Knowledge Creation

R. V. Tenkasi and S. Mohrman argue that the traditional models of international technology transfer may be inadequate to represent the complexities involved in effective global change since they rely on an ‘objectivist’ conception of knowledge, that views knowledge as an objective commodity to be transmitted from source to receiver.

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Reward Systems That Reinforce Organizational Change

G. Ledford, Jr. and E. Lawler III argue that conventional pay system designs are failing because they are unable to grapple with organizational changes such as globalization, technological change, downsizing, delayering, and new business strategies.

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The Practice of Organization & Human Resource Development in America’s Fastest Growing Firms

The following paper by Allan H. Church, and Gary C. McMahan reports the results of a recent survey project that investigated the contemporary practice of Organization Development among America’s Fastest Growing Firms (as identified by Fortune, October 5th, 1992).

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Large-Scale Organizational Change As Learning: Creating Team-Based Organizations

Susan Mohrman and Allan Mohrman, Jr. explain that the transition to a team-based organization is a large-scale organizational change. It is both pervasive and deep.

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Managing the Transformation Process: Planning for a Perilous Journey

William H. Davidson argues that successful transformation produces spectacular results, but the process can be prolonged and painful. Transformation occurs over a period of years in even the most agile and nimble organization.

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Organization Development within the Firm: A Survey of the 500 Largest Industrials

Gary C. McMahan and Richard W. Woodman conducted a study in which the 500 largest industrial firms in the United States were surveyed with regard to their internal Organization Development (OD) practice.

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Locating Meaning in Organizational Learning: The Narrative Basis of Cognition

Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi and Richard J. Boland Jr. call for a fundamental reorientation of our understanding of human cognition and its relation to organizational learning, a turn that sees the basic organizing principle of cognition as essentially narrative and not schematic or representational.

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Effective Reward Systems: Strategy, Diagnosis, Design and Change

Edward Lawler III provides a basic framework for the description of an organization’s reward system.

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Organizational Change and Learning

Susan Mohrman argues that the changing geopolitical, world financial, and technological context within which organizations function pose a never-ending barrage of challenges to adapt and to learn new ways of functioning.

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Self-Design for High Involvement: A Large-Scale Organizational Change

A five-year action research case study by G. Ledford, Jr. and S. Mohrman examines changes in a 12-plant division of a multi-billion dollar firm.

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Implementing Effective IHRM Practices: A Challenge for MNCs in the 1990s

Janice M. Beyer and John Milliman argue that multinational corporations (MNCs) of the future will be faced with a – whole new array of challenges, thus necessitating international HRM practices (IHRM) that are able to adapt to changing pressures.

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