Theresa Welbourne discusses how Data-Driven Storytellers help leaders use HR data to have highly interactive dialogues that lead to decisive action that fuels high-impact and measurable business results.
Research and Insights Archive
Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations
Available Content
It Takes a Village: Creating HR Strategic Impact by Reaching Out Beyond the HR Function, 9/23/14, recording/slides
John Boudreau (Professor and Research Director)
Do your chief strategy, marketing, operations and technology officers help create your organizations HR strategy? They should.
Leveraging the Secrets of Memory Champions to Craft Memorable Messages, 2/7/13, Audio/Slides
How many meetings have you attended where you literally forgot most of what you had just heard by the meeting’s end? In this webinar, Jay Conger explored how to make the message behind your presentations endure far beyond the meeting. He covered the techniques developed by memory champions which you can deploy in your own presentations.
Silence Speaks Volumes: The Effectiveness of Reticence in Comparison to Apology and Denial for Responding to Integrity- and Competence-Based Trust Violations
Donald L. Ferrin (Singapore Management University), Peter H. Kim (USC), Cecily D. Cooper (University of Miami), and Kurt T. Dirks (Washington University in St. Louis) Prior research on responses to trust violations has focused primarily on the effects of apology and denial. We extend this research by studying another type of verbal response that is often used to respond to trust violations, but has not been considered in the trust literature: reticence.
Designing the Customer-Centric Organization: A Guide to Strategy, Structure, and Process
Designing the Customer-Centric Organization (Jay R. Galbraith, (Jossey-Bass, 2005)) offers today’s business leaders a comprehensive customer-centric organizational model that clearly shows how to put in place an infrastructure that is organized around the demands of the customer.
Strategy and Organization Consulting
This article by Jay R. Galbraith is about the convergence of strategy and organizational consulting.
HR As a Strategic Partner: What Does it Take to Make it Happen?
E. Lawler and S. Mohrman share that a number of articles, books and studies have argued that HR needs to become a strategic partner. But is HR becoming a strategic partner?
ROI and Strategy for Teams and Collaborative Work Systems
Alec Levenson share that return on investment (ROI) has long been used to evaluate capital spending projects. The underlying principle is straightforward and compelling: use a uniform financial metric for projects and outcomes that otherwise would be difficult to compare.
Designing Organizations: An Executive Briefing on Strategy, Structure, and Process – New and Revised
Jay Galbraith’s new and revised edition of Designing Organizations is a leader’s concise guide to the process of creating and managing an organization – no matter how complex – that will be positioned to respond effectively and rapidly to customer demands and have the ability to achieve unique competitive advantage.
New Directions for the Human Resources Organization: An Organization Design Approach
First published in 1996, this report by S. Mohrman, E. Lawler, and G. McMahan presents findings of a 1995 study that examined the human resources function in 130 large companies to see whether changes in the business environment and strategy of the corporation were leading to changes in practice and organization of the human resources function.
An Organizational Learning Framework for Understanding Business Process Redesign: A Case Study From the Financial Services Industry
In this paper, S. Mohrman, R. Tenkasi, and A. Mohrman, Jr. examine one company’s experience with business process redesign coupled with the implementation of a new business strategy, advanced, networked information technology, and organizational design.
Strategy, Core Competencies and HR Involvement as Determinants of HR Effectiveness and Refinery Performance
Patrick M. Wright, Gary C. McMahan, Blaine McCormick, and W. Scott Sherman examined the impact strategy, core competence, and involvement of HR executives in strategic decision making on the refinery managers’ evaluation of the effectiveness of HR and refinery performance among 86 U.S. petro-chemical refineries.