Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Institutional Effects on Skill Creation: A Comparison of Management Development in the U.S. and Germany

David Finegold and Brent Keltner explain that changes in requirements for competitive success in the global economy have led political economists to devote greater attention to shifts in corporate strategy and differences in education and training, primarily for production workers, across the industrialized countries.

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Empowering Middle Managers to be Transformational Leaders: A Field Study

In this paper, Gretchen Spreitzer and Robert E. Quinn describe a field study of a large scale management development program for a Fortune 100 organization’s population of middle managers designed to stimulate change.

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Strategic Human Resources Management: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

E. Lawler III states that when training costs and other human resource management costs are added to compensation costs, the human resource management function often is responsible for a large portion of an organizations total expenditures.

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The Impact of Individual Differences on the Socialization of Workers to a Technological Intervention

This study by K. Michele Kacmar, Patrick M. Wright, and Gary C. McMahan examined the role of ability, motivation, and their interactions in the effectiveness of the use of training as a socialization tool.

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Job Design: A Contemporary Review and Future Prospects

The purpose of this chapter by Ricky W. Griffin and Gary C. McMahan is to summarize the historical development of job design theory and research, describe current theory and research regarding job design, and suggest new directions that job design theory and research might more fruitfully pursue in the future.

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Designing Work Teams

Susan Mohrman explains that designing organizations in which the work team is the focal performing unit began in earnest in production settings, where “new design plants” (Lawler, 1978) or “high commitment work systems” (Walton, 1985) emerged in the 1970’s and are now widely used (Lawler, Mohrman and Ledford, 1993).

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From Job-Based to Competency-Based Organizations

This article by Edward Lawler III challenges the basic assumption that jobs should be the fundamental building block of organizations. It stresses that with the new forms of organizations and the new demands organizations should be built around competencies not jobs.

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A Perspective on Empowerment

Susan Mohrman explains that the term “empowerment” has come to express in many managers’ minds the essence of new approaches to management that are believed to be capable of delivering higher levels of performance by tapping into the energies and enthusiasm of employees.

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A New Logic for Organization: Implications for Higher Education

This research by Edward Lawler III and Susan Mohrman seeks a different path in route to understanding potential. Changing tacks is based on the assumption that the qualities one finds in the mature international executive are NOT necessarily the same qualities we should be looking for in high potentials.

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Identifying Leadership Potential in Future International Executives: Developing a Concept

Morgan McCall asks the questions “What does it mean to have “potential” as an international executive? Of the seemingly endless list of attributes that might serve an executive well, which ones should you look for in a high potential manager?”

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Japanese Transplants

Jay R. Galbraith discusses how in the 1980s the Japanese began a high level of direct investment in the United States. There was a great deal of interest in how successful their style of management would be outside of Japan.

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