Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

The Search for Global Competence: From International HR to Talent Management

This article by Wayne F. Cascio (University of Colorado Denver) and John W. Boudreau (CEO) describes the evolution of the search for global competence through a fifty-year content analysis and review of published research in the field of International HR Management (IHRM), and more recently, Talent Management (TM), with special emphasis on the Journal of World Business.

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Human Resource Management: The Role of Boards

Jay A. Conger (CEO and Claremont McKenna College) and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) – Along with the intellectual and knowledge property they create, human capital has become the most important intangible asset that most corporations possess. Yet surprisingly little corporate boardroom time is spent on human capital issues.

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Talent Management of Nonstandard Employees

Wayne F. Cascio (U Colorado Denver) and John W. Boudreau (CEO) discuss how more and more workers are operating outside the traditional confines of regular, full-time employment. They may be “free agents” or “e-lancers” (that is, freelancers in the digital world) who work for themselves, or they may be employees of an organization a firm is allied with, employees of an outsourcing or temporary-help firm, or even volunteers.

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Finding the Strategic Talent Pivot-Points, 9/1/15

In this webinar, John Boudreau (Research Director, CEO), discusses how job descriptions usually describe work performed by full-time employees, throwing together a series of skills and requirements that seem large enough for an employment contract.

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Lead the Work: Navigating a World Beyond Employment

Lead the Work: Navigating a World Beyond Employment

A detailed look at the evolution of employment and its far-reaching implications Lead the Work (John W. Boudreau, Ravin Jesuthasan, David Creelman (Wiley, 2015) takes an incisive look at the evolving nature of work, and how it’s affecting management and productivity at the organizational level.