Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Trends in Jobs & Wages in the U.S. Economy

In this chapter, Alec R. Levenson (CEO) reviews the changes in the U.S. labor market over the past four decades, focusing on the economic trends that have had the greatest impact on work as viewed from the employee’s perspective: wages, hours, job stability, and demographics.

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Understanding the Effects of Substantive Responses on Trust Following a Transgression

Kurt T. Dirks (Washington University in St. Louis), Peter H. Kim (USC), Cecily D. Cooper (University of Miami), and Donald L. Ferrin (Singapore Management University) explain that despite the importance of trust in work relationships, and the potential for it to be violated, there is surprisingly little research on how trust can be repaired.

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Why are Jobs Designed the Way they Are?

In this paper, Michael Gibbs (University of Chicago), Alec R. Levenson (CEO), and Cindy Zoghi (BLS) study job design. Do organizations plan precisely how the job is to be done ex ante, or ask workers to determine the process as they go?

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8 Myths About Developing Global Executives

George P. Hollenbeck (Hollenbeck Associates) and Morgan W. McCall, Jr. (USC) explain that as companies strive to expand their reach from national to global enterprises, the limiting factor is more likely to be human rather than financial capital.

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Grooming for the Top Post and Ending the CEO Succession Crisis

Yan Zhang (Rice University) and Nandini Rajagopalan (USC) compare three different types of options and related processes of CEO succession: relay succession, non-relay inside succession, and outside succession.

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Should They Stay or Should They Go? The Aging Workforce

Theresa M. Welbourne (eePulse) and David Van Kuttnauer (eePulse) explain that there are some rarely discussed, but important facts regarding the American workforce. Specifically, it is growing older. The “graying” of the workforce is due to two significant demographic shifts that are beginning to reshape the composition of the U.S. labor force.

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Why Business Schools Have Lost Their Way

Warren Bennis (USC) and Jim O’Toole (CEO) discuss how MBA programs face intense criticism for failing to impart useful skills, failing to prepare leaders, failing to instill norms of ethical behavior–and even failing to lead graduates to good corporate jobs.

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Training Without Jobs: Access to and Outcomes of Training for Temporary Workers

Alec R. Levenson (CEO), David Finegold (Keck Graduate Institute), and Mark Van Buren (Learning & Development Roundtable) ask the question, “Does temporary work provide a way for individuals to improve their skill levels?”

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What Coaching Can Do For Your Organization — and What It Can’t

Alec R. Levenson (CEO), Mike McDermott (Capital One), and Suzanne Clarke (Capital One Financial Services) state that interest in executive coaching is clearly on the rise, and many organizations have made coaching an integral part of their leadership development programs.

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The Time Has Come for Strategic Talent Segmentation

John W. Boudreau (CEO) and Peter M. Ramstad (Personnel Decisions International) explain that when it comes to their talent resources, organizations often have similar human capital programs across all business units (“build bench strength”, “improve retention,” “base rewards on performance”). Generic human capital allocations lead to non-optimal human capital investments, just like generic financial or marketing allocations.

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Talentship and Human Resource Measurement and Analysis: From ROI to Strategic Organizational Change

In this article, John W. Boudreau (CEO) and Peter M. Ramstad (Personnel Decisions International) extend earlier work by proposing a framework of four elements integrating HR measures within a system for achieving strategic organizational change.

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