Working Papers

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Effective Talent Management

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and Christopher G. Worley (CEO) share that sustainability initiatives and corporate social responsibility programs are a possible first step toward developing organizations that are able to perform well financially, socially, and environmentally, what we like to call sustainable effectiveness.

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Evaluating Employees? Add Environmental & Societal Impact to Your Performance Checklist

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) argues that very few companies have appraisals that go above and beyond –considering employees’ performance as it relates to the environment or society.

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Missed Opportunity to Reform Executive Compensation

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) states that the new normal with respect to executive compensation appears to be very similar to the old pre-recession normal.

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Lack of Women on Corporate Boards: The Problem or a Symptom?

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) shares that Britain is inching toward following other countries (including France, Spain, and Norway) in introducing compulsory quotas for the number of women on corporate boards.

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Sustainable Leadership: The Iconic Leader Problem

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) shares that for the last several months CEO succession at Apple has gotten a considerable amount of attention because of the health problems of Steve Jobs.

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Optimizing Incentive Plan Design: A Case Study

Alec R. Levenson (CEO), Cindy Zoghi (BLS), Michael Gibbs (University of Chicago), and George S. Benson (University of Texas) study effects of a firm’s attempt to optimize an existing incentive scheme to increase sales growth for direct store delivery workers.

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A Suggestion for Creating Effective Sustainable Organizations: Get Rid of Job Descriptions

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and Christopher G. Worley (CEO) argue that despite their widespread uses, job descriptions frequently are more dysfunctional than helpful, even in traditional bureaucratic organizations.

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Creating a New Employment Deal: Total Rewards and the New Workforce

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) explains that the workforce of organizations is becoming more and more diverse, despite this most organizations offer a standard employment deal.

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Sustainability Initiatives are not the Answer: A New Approach to Management is Needed

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and Christopher G.Worley (CEO) share that sustainability has become a major issue for most large corporations. Willingly or grudgingly, organizations are accepting responsibility for the impact that they have on the natural environment, the people they employ and the societies they operate in.

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The Future of HR and Effective Organizations

This article by John Boudreau (CEO) and Ian Ziskin (CEO and Exec Excel) describes the results of an ongoing initiative by CEO to understand the future of HR, and in particular its relationships within effective organizations in dynamic environments.

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Nine Principles for Sustainable Talent Management

Talent management is arguably the single most important HR activity in a sustainable management organization (SMO).This article by Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and Christopher G. Worley (CEO) describes nine principles and practices that should drive the way talent is managed in SMOs.

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Creating Sustainable-Effective Businesses

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and Christopher G. Worley (CEO) talk about necessary steps and give example of companies making themselves into sustainably effective organizations.

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