Working Papers

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Building a Change Capability at Capital One Financial

This article by Christopher G. Worley (CEO) and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) describes the development of an enterprise-wide change capability at Capital One Financial.

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Employment Horizon and the Choice of Performance Measures: Empirical Evidence from Annual Bonus Plans of Loss-Making Entities

Michal Matějka (University of Michigan), Kenneth A. Merchant (USC), and Wim A. Van Der Stede (School of Economics and Political Science) examine the extent to which employment horizon concerns affect the relative emphasis on financial versus nonfinancial performance measures in annual bonus plans.

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Building a Change Capability at Capital One Financial: Separating Rhetoric and Reality

This article by Christopher G. Worley (CEO) and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) describes the development of an enterprise-wide change capability at Capital One Financial.

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Extra-Role Behaviors Among Temporary Workers: How Firms Create Relational Wealth

Elizabeth George (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Alec R. Levenson (CEO), David Finegold (Rutgers University), and Prithviraj Chattopadhyay (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) examine temporary workers’ differential extra-role behaviors (ERBs) towards their client and employer.

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Make Human Capital a Source of Competitive Advantage

This article by Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) looks at four areas where human capital should have a major impact on design: corporate boards, leadership, the human resource department, and information practices.

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Creating American Businesses that Can Compete Globally

James O’Toole (CEO) and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) argue that American companies increasingly outsource and offshore jobs, cut employee benefits, substitute contingent or contract workers for regular or permanent employees, eliminate traditional career paths, and reduce expenditures on training.

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Built for Talent

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) shares that survey after survey has found that executives believe finding and developing the right talent should be one of their top priorities and that their company’s human resources are one of their most important assets.

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What if – Organizations Were Built for Talent?

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) explains that for at least the last decade, it’s been hard to pick up a business book, article, or corporate annual report without seeing statements that stress the importance of human capital— people.

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Measuring and Maximizing the Business Impact of Executive Coaching

This article by Alec R. Levenson (CEO) addresses the conceptual and methodological issues involved in measuring the business impact of executive coaching.

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Crafting a Path Toward Mastery: Turning a Personal Leadership Development Plan into Something

Morgan W. McCall, Jr. (USC) attempts to describe an alternative approach to creating a personal plan for developing leadership ability.

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Developing the Expert Leader

In this article, Morgan W. McCall, Jr. (USC) and George P. Hollenbeck (Hollenbeck and Associates) look at leadership through the lens of expertise and relate the findings of a wide range of research on experts, expertise, and expert performance to how we think about leaders and leadership development.

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Are All Nonfinancial Performance Measures Created Equal? Evidence on Customer Satisfaction and Employee Satisfaction Measures from the Homebuilding Industry

Clara Xiaoling Chen (University of Illinois), Melissa Martin (USC), and Kenneth A. Merchant’s (USC) findings suggest that the validity of a business model depends not only on the soundness of the conceptual model per se, but also on how the variables in the business model are measured.

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