Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Network Designs For Sustainable Effectiveness—What Does it Really Take to Get Beyond the Constraints of Hierarchy and Segmentation?, 9/26/2011

To get a glimpse into the network design of the future, Sue Mohrman and Chris Worley shared a framework and case examples from our research on “Organizing for Sustainability.” Guest Speaker: Sally Breyley Parker, President, Currere, Inc.

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Conducting Action Research

Alec R. Levenson (CEO) and Wenhong Zhang (Nanjing University) provide a review of and guide to conducting action research: what it is, the benefits of it, examples, and how to do it.

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It is Time to Get It Right

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) discusses how the U.S. auto industry and the UAW union have begun negotiating their new collective bargaining agreements.

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It’s Individuals, Not Generations, That Matter

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) examines how an entire industry has emerged dedicated to describing (and in some cases, stereotyping) the Gen-X, Y, boomers, silent, greatest and millennial generations and how they should be managed.

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The Economic Analysis of Teams: An Interdisciplinary Perspective

This paper by Alec R. Levenson (CEO) provides an interdisciplinary look at the issues surrounding group-level processes and productivity, comparing the economic and behavioral science literatures and providing suggestions for ways that economists can learn from advances in the behavioral science literature.

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Effective Talent Management

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and Christopher G. Worley (CEO) share that sustainability initiatives and corporate social responsibility programs are a possible first step toward developing organizations that are able to perform well financially, socially, and environmentally, what we like to call sustainable effectiveness.

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Evaluating Employees? Add Environmental & Societal Impact to Your Performance Checklist

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) argues that very few companies have appraisals that go above and beyond –considering employees’ performance as it relates to the environment or society.

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Missed Opportunity to Reform Executive Compensation

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) states that the new normal with respect to executive compensation appears to be very similar to the old pre-recession normal.

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Lack of Women on Corporate Boards: The Problem or a Symptom?

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) shares that Britain is inching toward following other countries (including France, Spain, and Norway) in introducing compulsory quotas for the number of women on corporate boards.

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Sustainable Leadership: The Iconic Leader Problem

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) shares that for the last several months CEO succession at Apple has gotten a considerable amount of attention because of the health problems of Steve Jobs.

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Optimizing Incentive Plan Design: A Case Study

Alec R. Levenson (CEO), Cindy Zoghi (BLS), Michael Gibbs (University of Chicago), and George S. Benson (University of Texas) study effects of a firm’s attempt to optimize an existing incentive scheme to increase sales growth for direct store delivery workers.

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Business Partnership with Impact: Creating Strategic Change Through Transformative HR

John Boudreau, CEO Research Director and Professor, discussed findings from his forthcoming books, Transformative HR with Ravin Jesuthasan, and Effective HR: A Global Analysis with Ed Lawler.

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