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Robots Don’t Get Sick

COVID and other current crises have revealed the value of work automation, with justifiable celebration.* Scientists at the University of Liverpool have a new lab assistant with a very strong work ethic: a robot chemist that conducts experiments by itself. The 1.75-metre-tall intelligent robot moves around the laboratory, avoiding human co-workers and obstacles while performing […]

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Looking Beyond the Novelty to the Future of Work

Navigating the Paradox with Four Questions The current paradox requires effectively managing the crisis, AND looking beyond today’s accomplishments to take actions now, that will sustain the vital lessons for the future.  These four questions help guide the journey through the paradox, to create the most pivotal value for the future of work: What are […]

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People Management in Work Organizations: Fifty Years of Learnings

Ben Schneider shares fifty years of lessons learned in people management.

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