Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Dynamics of Employee Resource Groups: Leader Experiences Driving Mutual Benefits for Employees and Employers

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), which bring together employees with shared identity or purpose, have been expanding around the globe. ERGs can be a recruiting and retention tool, providing member benefits of career growth, developing friends and providing expanded purpose at work. Given their popularity, they are of interest for researchers. Thus, we conducted a study […]

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Stop Naming Your Change (and Transformation) Programs!

Stop Naming Your Change (and Transformation) Programs!

Organizations often give catchy names to transformation initiatives to create focus and signal their importance, but this practice can unintentionally reinforce the idea that change is temporary, leading to disillusionment and cynicism when further changes arise. Instead, aligning efforts with ongoing strategies and framing them as part of a continuous process, like “LRP Activation,” fosters clarity, engagement, and a culture where change becomes a normal and accepted part of organizational life.

Person-Organization Fit Theory and Research: Conundrums, Conclusions, and Calls to Action

The article presents a personal historical review of the person-organization fit (PO) literature by Amy Kristof-Brown, Benjamin Schneider and Rong Su. We present six conundrums and research evidence about each that we’ve encountered while studying fit during our careers: (1) What exactly is PO fit?—the term can be narrowly or broadly defined, but must be […]

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The Job as Work Role and Profession: It’s More Than Skills

This paper argues that strategic workforce planning (SWP) tailored to the demands of the modern workplace fosters a culture of professionalism essential for evolving work roles. As the contemporary work environment becomes more dynamic, interdependent, and complex, the nature of worker roles shifts from narrowly defined jobs to broader responsibilities requiring adaptability, discretion, and ethical […]

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Diagnosing and adjusting transformations to ensure success

Diagnosing and adjusting transformations to ensure success

This article is the third in a three-part series on applying systems diagnostics to understand the sources of organizational underperformance (Using systems diagnostics to drive process improvement and change), why transformations often fail to deliver (Designing transformations to avoid failure), and how to keep transformations from going off course (this one). It is based in part on my Strategic Analytics book. The issues addressed in the series will be covered in depth in the upcoming workshop Driving Organizational Change with Data.

Designing transformations to avoid failure

Designing transformations to avoid failure

This article is the second in a three-part series on applying systems diagnostics to understand the sources of organizational underperformance (Using systems diagnostics to drive process improvement and change), why transformations often fail to deliver (this one), and how to keep transformations from going off course (Diagnosing and adjusting transformations to ensure success)). It is based in part on my Strategic Analytics book. The issues addressed in the series will be covered in depth in the upcoming virtual workshop Driving Organizational Change with Data.

Using systems diagnostics to drive process improvement and change

Using systems diagnostics to drive process improvement and change

This article is the first in a two-part series on applying systems diagnostics to understand the sources of organizational underperformance (this article) and why transformations often fail to deliver (next article). It is based in part on Alec Levenson’s Strategic Analytics book. The issues addressed in the series will be covered in depth in the upcoming virtual workshop Driving Organizational Change with Data.