Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

The Emerging Role of HR Leaders and the Future of HR

Ian Ziskin will lead a conversation about the evolution of HR leadership and the future of the function, including capabilities required for success, what you need to know, with whom you need to interact, and when you are most likely to experience development.

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Rethinking Talent Management Research

For most CEOs, “talent” is at or near the top of their priority list. Yet in our 2016 survey of over 230 organisations, only 17% of respondents rated their organisation as effective in predicting and planning future talent needs. Only 20% were satisfied with the outcomes of their organisation’s Talent Management efforts. This research report draws upon international good practice, including work of leading academics, specialist consultants and experienced practitioners. The findings include practical recommendations and methodologies for improvement.

Transform the Way You Use Data: Tell Stories and Drive Action that Leads to Positive Results

In a one hour webinar with Dr. Theresa M. Welbourne, learn how like-minded business leaders are working to transform how they use data to tell stories and drive action that leads to positive results.

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Building Management Processes to Support Agility

Christopher G. Worley (CEO), Thomas Williams (PwC Strategy LLP), Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) explain how agile organizations continuously adjust to changing circumstances by, for example, launching new products or eliminating old ones, entering new markets or exiting underperforming ones, or building new capabilities. This requires management processes that can support adaptability over time.

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