Ian Ziskin will lead a conversation about the evolution of HR leadership and the future of the function, including capabilities required for success, what you need to know, with whom you need to interact, and when you are most likely to experience development.
Research and Insights Archive
Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations
Available Content
Rethinking Talent Management Research
For most CEOs, “talent” is at or near the top of their priority list. Yet in our 2016 survey of over 230 organisations, only 17% of respondents rated their organisation as effective in predicting and planning future talent needs. Only 20% were satisfied with the outcomes of their organisation’s Talent Management efforts. This research report draws upon international good practice, including work of leading academics, specialist consultants and experienced practitioners. The findings include practical recommendations and methodologies for improvement.
Blog: Why the Conventional Wisdom About Job-Hopping Millennials Is Wrong
Millennials are frequently derided as job-hopping slackers who prefer “gigs” to careers and don’t think about job security because they are happy moving from company to company. But Jennifer Deal’s research shows the conventional wisdom is wrong.
Blog: Robert Felton’s Road Show Diary: Lessons learned from the three-eyed IPO monster
There is tremendous scrutiny getting ready for an IPO and life as a public company. Like a three-eye monster, a company must face three perspectives when going through an IPO: the public eye, the operations eye and the internal eye.
Innovative Communications During High-Change Events
As business focus moves to the public and operations eyes, often it is assumed that managing those two well will automatically cover the needs of the internal perspective.
Transform the Way You Use Data: Tell Stories and Drive Action that Leads to Positive Results
In a one hour webinar with Dr. Theresa M. Welbourne, learn how like-minded business leaders are working to transform how they use data to tell stories and drive action that leads to positive results.
Jennifer Deal and Alec Levenson interviewed by Life Science Leader
Millennials, the single largest demographic in the workplace today, are often derided as lazy, disrespectful, and needy. They’re also criticized as being so addicted to technology that they email and text message information that should be communicated face-to-face to supervisors and coworkers.
It’s “Like” Harnessing Analogies to Accelerate HR
Some researchers suggest using very specific and simple analogies to describe small incremental changes, and broader analogies (such as to sports, warfare or art) when disrupting or rethinking existing frameworks.
Is the Best Career Erratic or Predictable? Data from Freelance Platforms Offers Clues
John Boudreau explains how the freelance world and the traditional world share similarities: Freelancer movement between similar jobs is still more attractive than erratic movement, and proven experience and a past relationship make erraticism more tolerable.
I solemnly swear … an HR data and analytics manifesto
Alec Levenson discusses HR data and analytics and the principles to live by as someone who has to wrestle with what the analyses in your organization really mean and how best to use them – or ignore them.
Using Analytics Strategically in Human Resources
How can HR use analytics to understand what’s driving motivation and behavior in their organizations? Find out in this WorldatWork interview with Alec Levenson on his book, Strategic Analytics: Advancing Strategy Execution and Organizational Effectiveness.
Building Management Processes to Support Agility
Christopher G. Worley (CEO), Thomas Williams (PwC Strategy LLP), Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) explain how agile organizations continuously adjust to changing circumstances by, for example, launching new products or eliminating old ones, entering new markets or exiting underperforming ones, or building new capabilities. This requires management processes that can support adaptability over time.