Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Total Quality management and Employee Involvement: Similarities, Differences and Future Directions

The similarities and differences between total quality management and employee involvement are examined in this paper by Edward Lawler III.

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Positioning Human Resource as a Value Adding Function: The Case of Rockwell International

In this paper by Jay Galbraith, a description is presented as to how a diverse corporation, Rockwell International, is trying to add value to its businesses.

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A Skill-Based Approach to Human Resource Management

The importance of focusing on employee skills is stressed in this article by E. Lawler III and G. Ledford, Jr. Particular attention is given to how skill based pay and skill based selection processes can be implemented in order to create a strategic skills focus in complex organizations.

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Pay Systems Must Support Quality

The relationship between pay systems and total quality management systems is discussed in this paper by Edward Lawler III.

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Designing Pay Systems for Teams

Three different approaches to teams are identified–parallel teams, project teams and work teams in this article by Ed Lawler III and Susan Cohen.

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Strategic Human Resource Management

E. Lawler III, S. Cohen, and L. Chang discuss the role that human resource functions play in complex organization. Emphasis is placed on how the human resource function can become more strategically involved in the business and assesses the progress of large companies in moving toward a strategic partnership role for HR.

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Starting Out Right: Negotiating Cross-Cultural Business Alliances

Katherin K. Reardon and Robert E. Spekman argue that there is no room for isolationism in a world where even the air we breathe is affected by the choices of people thousand of miles away.

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Our Federalist Future: The Leadership Imperative

James O’Toole and Warren Bennis ask “Are large organizations inherently superior because they possess greater resources to protect the interests of their constituencies against the vagaries of powerful external forces, or are small-scale organizations superior because they are more sensitive to their constituents’, needs (and more adaptable to changing conditions)?”

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Survey-Based Prescriptions for Skill-Based Pay

This paper by N. Gupta, G. Ledford, Jr., D. Jenkins, Jr., and H. Doty summarizes key findings from a study, sponsored by the American Compensation Association, of 97 skill-based pay plans.

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Total Quality Management: Practices in the Fortune 1000

E. Lawler III, S Mohrman, and G. Ledford, Jr. report on the results of the Center for Effective Organizations survey of the Fortune 1000 companies. Particular focus is on the kind of total quality management practices which are adopted by these companies.

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The Emerging Prominence of the Lateral Organization

S. Mohrman explains that all signs are pointing to the importance of lateral integration in the organization of the future.

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