Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Substitutes for Hierarchy

The major functions which hierarchy performs in organizations are reviewed in this article by Edward E. Lawler III.

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Pay for Performance: Dollars and Sense

Guidelines are proposed that should be followed in developing pay for performance plans in this paper by Edward E. Lawler III.

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Strategically Designed Benefit Plans as a Source of Competitive Advantage

David E. Bowen and Chistopher A. Wadley discuss how employee benefit plans, which can add 50% to payroll and be neither understood nor appreciated by employees, can be a source of costly headaches for a firm.

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Organizational Response to Government Regulation: A New Theoretical Perspective

Philip H. Birnbaum and Edward J. Ottensmeyer argue that students of organizational strategy lack a fully specified framework for studying and better understanding the strategies shaped by organizations in response to government regulation.

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Competitive Advantage and the Basis of Competition

Philip H. Birnbaum and Andrew R. Weiss conducted an exploratory analysis of the basis of competition in 13 specific industrial sectors.

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Obtaining “Purer” or “Poorer” Criteria for Test Validation: An Empirical Test of the Statistical Control of Halo and Implications for Criteria Development

The assertion by Landy et al. (1980) that purer criteria for test validation would result from statistically controlling for halo in dimension ratings by partialing out a general impression rating was investigated by Barry R. Nathan and Nancy Tippins.

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Integrity in Effective Leadership

Steven Kerr states that upon being invited to a symposium on executive integrity and asked to speak on integrity in effective leadership, his initial thought was that the nomination made a good deal of sense.

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A Comparison of Criteria for Test Validation: A Meta-Analytic Investigation

Barry R. Nathan and Ralph A. Alexander conducted meta-analyses of validity coefficients from tests of clerical abilities for five criteria; supervisor ratings, supervisor rankings, work samples, production quantity, and production quality, and the resulting expected true validities were compared.

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Service in Manufacturing: Some Strategic and Theoretical Implications

In this paper by David E. Bowen, Caren J. Siehl, and Benjamin Schneider, approaches to enhancing the competitiveness of domestic manufacturing operations are re-conceptualized as ways of restructuring production operations to include attributes of service operations.

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Changing Organizations: Strategic Choices

Key strategic choices in the design of change efforts are considered by Edward E. Lawler III. It is concluded that change efforts should be designed to incorporate such feature as informed consent, reinvention, a combination of bottoms up and top down change, organization wide installation and motivation based on a positive view of the change to be installed.

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The Quality Circle and its Variations

The academic and practitioner literature on quality circles (QC’s) is reviewed in this article by G. Ledford, Jr., Edward E. Lawler III, and Susan A. Mohrman.

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Participative Management in the United States: Three Classics Revisited

Three classic books by Argyria, Likert and McGregor are reviewed by Edward E. Lawler III. Their contribution to introducing participative management to the United States is assessed.

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