Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

After the Founder: An Opportunity to Manage Culture

The purpose of this paper by Caren Siehl is to address the question of “If culture can be managed, when and what aspects of culture can be managed”.

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Measuring Organizational Culture

The purpose of this paper by Caren Siehl and Joanne Martin is to describe a hybrid approach to the issue of measuring organizational culture.

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Job Evaluation: A Critique

Edward E. Lawler III reviews the organizational consequences of traditional point factor approaches to job evaluation.

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Organization Development and Labor Law: Implications for Practice/Malpractice

This article by Charles Maxey and Thomas Cummings suggests that organization development (OD) interventions can inadvertently violate federal labor law.

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Unions and the New Management

Edward E. Lawler III and Susan A. Mohrman consider the reasons for the decline of the union movement. It is concluded that unless unions change in important ways they will continue to decline.

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Strategies for Managing On-Site Customers in Service Organizations

David E. Bowen describes strategies that managers in the service sector can use to respond effectively to customer presence within their organizations.

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Quality of Work Life and Employee Involvement

Susan A. Mohrman, G. Ledford, Jr., Edward E. Lawler III, and A. Mohrman, Jr. state that involvement approaches to the organization of human resources has implications for most human resource systems, including the design of jobs, selection, training, appraisal, rewards and the conduct of labor relations.

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Moving from Production to Service in Human Resources Management

This article by Dave Bowen and Larry E. Greiner contends that the effectiveness of Human Resources (HR) staff groups responsible for personnel in organizations is limited because these groups often perform their role with a production orientation rather than a service orientation.

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Intervention and Politics at the Top: Missing Link Failed Organization Change

This paper by Larry E. Greiner argues that major organization changes often fail because of political dynamics at the top of corporations.

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This article by Edward E. Lawler III presents a brief overview of gainsharing. It covers benefits, management style and the effects of situational conditions. The use of profit sharing and stock ownership is considered.

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The Persistence of Organizational Change: Variance Theory and Process Theory Models

A conceptual review of the literature on the persistence of planned organizational change is presented by Gerald Ledford, Jr, based on Lawrence Mohr’s distinction between variance theory models and process theory models of explanation.

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Gainsharing Theory and Research: Findings and Future Directions

In this article by Edward E. Lawler III, key research needs are identified and the kinds of technical and theoretical developments which would aid the wider adoption and understanding of gainsharing are discussed.

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